
Setting |
Is editable in Options*
Definition |
Location saved in the registry***
SMS Provider
Selection of the SMS provider to be used
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SMS Balance Threshold
Threshold where the SMS Balance shown on the Status Bar changes from green to red
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SMS Global Password
Password for the SMS Global Account
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SMS Global Replies
Selected reply option
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SMS Global Username
Username for the SMS Global Account
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Disable All Replies
Disable reply options from SMS Central
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SMS Central Username
Username for the SMS Central Account
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SMS Central Password
Password for the SMS Central Account
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SMS Header
Header or Reply number to be shown to Client when SMS message is received. If option 2 above is chosen then this needs to be the designated mobile phone number.
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SMTP Password
Password to be used if the SMTP service requires authentication. Blank by default.
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Port to be using when sending email. Default = 25. Some ISP's block port 25, e.g. Bigpond
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SMTP Server
The SMTP server used to send the reminders
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SMTP Timeout
Timeout value (seconds) when sending email. Default = 10
| |
Use Secure Sockets Layer when sending email. Default = False. Google requires to be set to true.
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SMTP Username
Username to be used if the SMTP service requires autherntication. Default is set to blank.
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User Email Address
Ther users email address - used if the option to send the users email address is on when sending error reports. Used as the reply to email address.
* Some settings that are stored in MPSettings are editable from System > Options in the Bp Allied User Interface.
**If Reply to a registered Email Address is selected as the SMS Reminder reply option then the SMTP details also need to be set-up.
*** Most items can be saved in either location in the registry, and hence the field has been left blank but depends on the logged in users access. The location has been specified where there is a required location for this information. Note the caveat for using the various registry options below.
HKCU = HKey Current User - any user logged onto the computer can update these fields for their own computer profile ONLY. If another person logs into the computer, they will not see these settings.
HKLM = HKey Local Machine - the user requires Administrative rights to update these fields. These are usually set when the application is installed (but not always).