Opening a Document, Email or Phone Call on a client record
 Add Document button
Click the Add Document button to add a document to the Client's record.
 Document rows
Rows of documents added to a client record
Click  to open the document
Click  to view information about the document
Click  to delete the document
Click  to print the document
 Add Phone Call or Other Message button
 Add an Email button
Click the Add an Email button to add an email to a client record
You must have your emails in an email application on your local PC, e.g. in Outlook to be able to use this feature
If your emails are stored on a MAC or accessed via a web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer or Safari then the emails need to be saved onto your local machine as a document and added via the Add Document option.
 Client area
Rows of emails added to a client record
Click  to open the email\phone record
Click  to delete the email\phone record
Click  to print the email\phone record
 Print All buttons
Choose the Print All buttons to print all of the attached documents. The left button print documents and the right prints emails.