I have changed by Gmail or Google password, now my sync is not working!
By changing your password to your Google / Gmail account Bp Allied is no longer able to access it to sync your appointments. To fix this do the following:

Go into System > Options > User Administration > Your User ID > Google calendar
Once there, click on 2 - Get Access Code
A web browser screen will pop up
Enter in your Gmail/Google Username and Password
A screen asking to allow third parties to send via your account might appear, if so, click Accept
A screen displaying your new Access Code will display
Copy the Access Code and paste it into the 3 - Access Code field in Bp Allied. This will replace the one that is there.
The access code should look something like this "4/_Lb6bMW_KegoKkTLBJ8ORDWARZnCIfs7c-8SUvGvHio"To copy the access code try the following short cut keys:
Ctrl+A will select the the value in the entire field
Ctrl+C will copy the value
Ctrl+V will paste the value
Click Apply
Then click 5 - Test Credentials
This should come back with a green tick on the left hand side of the box. If not, then repeat the above process. If there is still an issue please contact Bp Allied Support.
Click 6 - Calendar is accessible.
This should come back with a green tick on the left hand side of the box. Then confirm that your Calendar ID is correct.
Click Ok to save the details.
The appointments in your Google calendar will need to be re-exported as any changes that you have made since changing your password will not go up to google, even with the sync fixed.
In the Appointment Book, click on the Export to iCal/Google button in the toolbar
Select Just My Calendar
Click OK
At the bottom left of mypractice, on the Status bar the progress of the update is displatyed.
Initially all appointments in the Bp Allied Google calendar will be deleted
And then the appointments will be re-exported in accordance with the options chosen in System > Options > User Administration > Your User ID > Google calendar