Adding new fields into Client Details
From time to time additional fields are made available for use in the Client Details. Exisitng Bp Allied users need to manually add these to their Client Details files. In teh release of version 4 there were two such fields:
1: A Preferred Consultation Type can now be set for a Client. This means that when an appointment is created that Consultation Type is entered by default.
In the example below it shows the Preferred Consultation Type of Training in the Client Details.

A new appointment with the default Consultation Type displaying on creation.

2: A Referred by (Client): can now be set. That is, if the Client has been referred to you by an existing Client this can now be noted. It is also available for capture via the Add a New Client screen.
How to add the Preferred Consultation type or Referred by (Client) field to the Client Details form
In Client Details
Contact Details tab
Client Details

Right Click and select Customise layout
The Customisation form will display

Find the Preferred Consultation Type (or Referred by (Client):) field in the left hand list
Drag and drop onto the Client Details tab in the place required.
Click the X to close the Customisation form.