Customisation of Client Details Forms
The Client Details forms can be customised to suit your practice needs. This means that additional data can be collected or fields can be renamed to something more meaningful. Before tackling this there are several things to understand and consider:
Personal layout vs Practice layout
A Practice Layout is one that has been developed specifically for a Practice and is used by all users of Bp Allied. This file is saved in a central location where all computers can access it. It is often in the same location as any documents that are saved. This location can be found in System > Options > Documents - Server (Shared Documents). If your Practice has it's own layout then any changes to this need to be saved into the master copy this file. You to be a Bp Allied administrator to do this. The Practice Layout file is called PracticeClientDetailsLayout.xml.
A Personal Layout is specific to an individual user and computer. Any changes made to it will only be seen by that user. A copy of this layout can be manually transferrred to another user or computer. The personal layout file is called ClientDetailsLayout.xml. These are usually stored in a users numbered folder in either of the following locations depending on the operating system being used.
Windows 7 - C:\Users\Public\Documents\myPractice\[UserNumberFolder]
Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\myPractice\[UserNumberFolder]
User Number Folder
This is where the client layout files used by Bp Allied are stored for a specific user. These allow for a user to make personal client details changes. Each person has a numbered folder. Your number is the number in the UserID field which can be found in System > Options > User Administration.
Updating a Practice layout
If you are going to change your Practice Layout then ideally you should do the following:
Take a copy of the PracticeClientDetailsLayout.xml file and save it into your User Number Folder
Rename the file ClientDetailsLayout.xml
In System > Options > Client Details change your Client Details layout to Use Personal Layout
Close and reopen Bp Allied
Make the changes required
Close Bp Allied
Copy the ClientDetailsLayout.xml file that has been edited into the central location
Rename it to PracticeClientDetailsLayout.xml
In System > Options > Client Details change your Client Details layout to Use Practice Layout
Close and reopen Bp Allied
You should see your new Client Details layout
If changes to the Practice Layout are not displaying for other users
1) Click the customise button on the Client Details screen
2) Select the Contact Details tab
3) Close the Customisation screen (which saves the default page change locally to the ClientDetailsLayout.xml file)
4) Open System > Options > Client Details
5) Save the changed layout as the New Practice Layout so all the other users get the changes
What Fields to use
There are 2 distinct types of fields available for use within the customisation of Bp Allied. These are Consultation fields and History fields. Consultation and History fields can only be edited by Practitioner level security. For Reception level security see the Custom Text Fields note below.
Consultation fields are fields which are tied to each appointment date. As a new appointment is generated a "fresh" set of Consultation fields are generated which allow you to enter in notes against this appointment date. Within the customisation screen, Consultation fields are prefixed by the letter "C" eg: CText1, CNumeric1 prior to being renamed
CNumeric fields can now be displayed in Charts just as the standard Numeric fields are.
History fields are static fields that don't change with each appointment. Within the customisation screen, History fields are prefixed by the letter "H" eg: HText1, HNumeric1 prior to being renamed
Client CustomText Fields
There are four ClientCustomText fields available that can be used for adding custom fields into parts of the Client Details other than History and Consultations. These fields can be read and edited by users with Reception level security. In the Psychologist and Speech Pathologist layout the field ClientCustomText1 is used to capture next of Kin details.
If fields are renamed from their default name e.g. CText95 then they will be available within the Letters Module to merge into a template.
Maximum field name length is 95 characters including spaces. Anymore than this will mean that field will not be able to be merged into a letter or other document template.
The font size and style can not be changed, however capitals can be used.