Orchid Masterclass FAQ

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This article includes the questions asked by Bp Premier users during the Orchid Masterclass sessions delivered by Best Practice Software from 03 to 07 October 2022.




How do I know an email has been successfully sent from Bp Premier?

A new pop-up notification stating that the email has been successfully sent will be displayed on the screen. Additionally, a contact note will be automatically created for the patient, and the sent status will be recorded.

Can a report be run to see what emails could not be sent?

The practice-wide Contact Notes screen can be used to monitor unsent emails. This can be accessed by clicking View > Contact Notes from the Main Screen of Bp Premier and the filters at the top of the screen can be used to find what you need.

Can I search for another patient or contact’s email address when sending?

Click the ellipsis button (‘…’) next to the addressee fields, and you can search for any patients or contacts with an email address recorded and select them.

Can I insert a logo or a hyperlink for my practice website or an eCommerce platform for payments into the outgoing email text?

At this time, only plain text is supported in this field. Any URLs included in this field could be copied and pasted into a browser to be accessed.

For eCommerce payments, you could consider adding a URL to the account text footers on your accounts to be copied and pasted by the patient into their browser.

Can I set up multiple outgoing email accounts in Bp Premier?

Yes, multiple outgoing addresses can be configured. You can select which account is being used when sending an email by using the ‘use account’ drop-down menu.

Is there any cost for sending emails from Bp Premier?

No, there is no cost incurred for sending emails.

When sending an email with a PIN-protected PDF, does the PIN get sent to the recipient along with the document?

No, the PIN will not accompany the document and should be communicated to the recipient at your discretion.

How do I communicate the PIN for an emailed document to the recipient?

This is at your practice’s discretion. One suggestion is to create a Bp Comms template that can be sent from the clinical record to a patient and updated to include the PDF PIN. Also, keep in mind that the default PIN is the patient’s date of birth (DDMM).

Can I insert an image of a signature into clinical documents being sent via email?

Instructions on how to add a signature to word processor templates are available here on the Knowledge Base.

Can I change the default subject line of emails being sent from Bp?

Not at this time; the default subject line is generated based on where you are sending the email from. You can edit this or add more information to this if you wish.

Can I set up different text for Invoices being sent depending on how long they’ve been outstanding?

There is no way to set up customised email body text, but you can review your account text settings in the Configuration window.

You can customise these for accounts 0, 30, 60, or 90+ days overdue. You could even choose to include information for payers, like bank account details or a link to an online payment platform with instructions for the payer to copy and paste that into their web browser to continue.

When sending emails, is the logged-in user’s name displayed anywhere to the recipient?

Nothing, including the user’s name, is included from Bp Premier’s side; the ‘sender name’ that the recipient sees depends on your outgoing email provider’s settings.

Contact Notes

Where can I view the list of Contact Notes for the entire practice?

Start from the Main Screen, open the View menu and click Contact Notes. Several filters at the top of the screen can be used, like message/email status or where the Contact Note was generated from.


Can nurses view and upload data to a patient’s AIR record?

Yes, after entering an AIR provider number for your location into your Practice Details, nurses and other providers in your practice without their own provider numbers can access AIR functionality in the clinical record.


What is Legacy eOrdering, and how do I check that the upcoming changes won’t impact me?

Legacy eOrdering refers to any eOrdering labs configured before installing Saffron SP1 (released in June 2021).

For more information on what steps you should take to ensure you won’t be impacted, refer to our recent News post or view the instructions for configuring labs via Enhanced eOrdering on the Knowledge Base.

Is there a list of Enhanced eOrdering Partners available for me to view?

The list of available eOrdering Partners can be viewed here on the Knowledge Base.

Last Modified 11 October 2022.




