Patient record tutorials

Finalise a Visit

Patient Record

Recording Today's Notes

Patient notes are recorded in the Today's Notes section of the patient record.

Preview notes, start and finalise a visit

After a patient has arrived at the practice and their appointment has been marked as 'arrived', the provider can start the visit from the appointment or waiting room.

Family and Social history

From the patient record, you can record a patient's family, social, occupational, alcohol, and tobacco or smoking history.

Understanding confidentiality and patient notes

How to set confidential access to a patient's record, and how to set the emergency access password for a practice.

Search past visits

How to search for and view notes from past visits in the patient record.

Delete or amend past visit notes

Delete past visits if notes were recorded for the wrong patient. Amend patient notes on the same day, or append notes after 24 hours.

Add or cease Rx

How to add a prescription to a patient's record, cease current prescriptions, look up a script, get approval for authority prescriptions, and how the p.r.n. or PRN setting applies to medication lists.

Create and Send Electronic Prescriptions

How to send an electronic prescription from the patient record using Bp Premier.

Using My Script List (MySL)

My Script List (MySL) is an optional service that allows Patients and their chosen health professionals to view a list of all their available prescriptions.

Allergies and reactions

Bp Premier Actions capture an activity that needs to be carried out by practice staff, such as a future vaccination, checking results, or a health assessment. You can view outstanding actions for a single patient or the entire practice.

View Past Rx, Ceased Rx and Stored Rx

How to view a patient's past and ceased prescriptions from the patient record, and how to represcribe, reprint, and open the visit for a past prescription.


How to record immunisations and send immunisation records to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

Request Pathology and Imaging

All the steps required to set up Bp Premier to use a secure messaging provider for sending pathology and imaging requests, including provider preferences and supported formats (PIT, HL7).

Obstetric and antenatal visits

How to record a pregnancy and prior obstetric details for a patient and monitor the antenatal cycle. You can also view all current pregnant patients from the main menu.

Record Primary and Multiple Observations

Describes how to record primary and multiple sets of observations in the patient record.

Print graphs from observations

Bp Premier can create graphs from observation values or atomised values from investigation reports.

Clinical Reminders

Add a clinical reminder to a patient, or edit the appointment associated with a clinical reminder.

Clinical tools

Describes the clinical tools available in Bp Premier, such as recording primary and multiple observations, using the cardiovascular disease risk assessment calculator or the diabetic risk assessment tool, and accessing patient education materials.

Available clinical functions

Clinical tools available include: BMI calculator, Blood pressure, cardiovascular, and diabetes risk assessments, INR manager, K10, travel medication schedule, Mini Mental State and geriatric depression assessments, Edinburgh PND, and AUDIT-C alcohol risk assessment.

Import, scan, or move documents into a patient record

How to scan documents in to a patient record, and move documents between sections in the patient record.

Bp Comms in the patient record

Send SMS messages from the patient record, or review and create contact notes for Correspondence, Investigations, Images, and Primary Care.

Autofills for Today's Notes and the Word Processor

Describes how to create and use autofill in Today's Notes and word processor documents to shortcut text entry.