You can import templates from other Bp Premier locations at your practice, other Bp Premier sites, or using an existing document in RTF format.
Other sources you may be able to obtain templates from include the Best Practice Software user forum, industry groups, PHNs, your practice's former clinical software, and the Best Practice Software development Services team.
Visit the What's New in Data Updates article to find the most recent template updates.
Limited time or capacity? Prefer to have someone build a custom report, query, or template for you? Learn more about our SQL and Custom Report Building service here.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can import any document that is in the format *.rtf (rich text file format) for use as a template in Bp Premier. You cannot import document types such as Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx, .dotx) or PDF documents as templates into the word processor. Non-RTF documents will have to be converted to .rtf format before you can import these into Bp Premier for template use. Some word processors will allow you to save different document types to .rtf.
When you import an RTF file for use as a template, you can edit the file in the word processor and make any formatting changes you need, and insert data fields where necessary.
You can, however, open Word and HTML documents in the Bp Premier word processor as non-template documents. These documents may lose some formatting and features (such as fields or cross-references) after being saved in Bp Premier.
If the template comes from another Bp Premier site, or from Medical Director 2 or 3, you may be able to retain data fields when you import the template. The source application must support TX Controls, which maintain any data fields in the document. If the source application does not support TX controls, it is unlikely that any data fields will be retained in Bp Premier after the import, and you will have to recreate these fields in the template in the word processor.
No. Do not open any Bp Premier template in an external word processor, because any Bp Premier data fields will probably be lost when converted by the external word processor.
If you are downloading a known Bp Premier template from a website or email, right-click the link and select Save as so you can save the document to disk rather than open the document in a default application like Wordpad or MS Word.
The Bp Premier templates are updated with every monthly Data Update. The best way to see the latest available templates is to view the list in the software.
- From the main Bp Premier screen, click the Best Practice Premier Word Processor Icon icon or select Utilities > Word processor from the menu.
- Select Templates > Edit template. The Word Processor templates screen is displayed.
- Select the All option and tick Include all States to view all custom and system templates available for all Australian practices.
Import a template
IMPORTANT Do not open any Bp Premier template in an external word processor, because any Bp Premier data fields will probably be lost when converted by the external word processor.
Follow the instructions to import an RTF file into Bp Premier as a template:
- Save the template file to a known folder on the Bp Premier server or anywhere accessible from a Bp Premier workstation.
- From the main Bp Premier screen, click the
icon or select Utilities > Word processor from the menu. When in a patient record, select File > New Letter The word processor will open.
- Select Templates > Import Template. Browse to the directory that you saved the .RTF template into.
- Select the file name to be imported and click Open. The template will be displayed in the word processor.
- Make any changes to the imported template.
- Select Available to all users if you want other users to be able to use the template.
- Save the template
Export a template
- From the main Bp Premier screen, click the
icon or select Utilities > Word processor from the menu. When in a patient record, select File > New Letter The word processor will open.
- Select Templates > Export Template from the word processor main menu. The Word Processor templates screen will open.
- Locate the template you want to export, then click Open.
- When the template opens, the Windows Save As dialogue box will appear; select the location where you want to save the exported template, and then click Save and the template will be exported.
TIP Templates must be exported individually; they cannot be exported in bulk.
Last updated 19 June 2023.