Prescription and Dispense View

The My Health Record system provides a view that combines:

  • clinical information from an individual’s My Health Record prescription record documents
  • My Health Record dispense record documents.

The Prescription and Dispense View can be accessed and displayed to healthcare providers using their clinical information systems or the national provider portal, and by individuals using the national consumer portal.

Using the Prescription and Dispense view, you can:

  • View a patient's prescription and dispense history
  • Prescribe new medications
  • Represcribe current and old medications
  • Edit Send to My Health Record consent.

Access the Prescription and Dispense View

The My Health Record Prescription and Dispense View is available from the patient record. When the practice, provider, and patient have been set up to access My Health Record, a Prescription and Dispense View button will appear on the Current RX screen within the patient record.

Prescription and Dispense View Button

In addition, a new menu item will appear under the My Health Record menu called View Prescription and Dispense.

View a patient’s Prescription and Dispense history

  1. From the Current RX section of the patient record, click on the Prescription and Dispense View button, or select My Health RecordView Prescription and Dispense from the menu. The Prescription and Dispense View screen will appear.
  2. The top section of the screen display the last year’s prescription history for the patient in descending date order. The bottom section displays details on the patient.

  3. Filter the script history shown using the options at the top of the screen:
    • The From and To date filters select the time period to view script history.
    • You can group by ‘Generic name’, ‘PBS Item Code’ or ‘Brand name’
    • Tick Collapse Medications to show or hide dispensed information.
  4. Click the View button to refresh the screen after making changes.
  5. In expanded view, click on a red link to download and view the full details of the script:
  6. The information shown depends on the link type:
    • A Prescription record provides information about the doctor who prescribed the medication, their practice name, and the prescription details.
    • A Dispense record provides information about the pharmacist who dispensed the medication, their pharmacy, and the details of what was dispensed.

To print a history record, click the Print button at the top of the screen to print a hard copy of the open prescription and dispense history.

Prescribe new medications

When prescribing medications, the check box Upload to My Health Record determines whether the script details are uploaded to My Health Record or not.

This field is ticked by default, but can be unticked if the patient does not want the script details uploaded to My Health Record. Script details will still transmit to eRx regardless of the selection.

Once the script has been transmitted, the script will appear in the list under the Current RX table in the patient record. The column on the far right My Health Record Consent indicates the selection you made for that item. The table below shows the meaning of each status.

My Health Record Consent



Patient gave consent for the script to be uploaded to My Health Record.


Patient did not give consent for the script to be uploaded to My Health Record.

Not given

Script was printed prior to this patient being set up for My Health Record.

Print the script as usual. When received at eRx, if you have ticked Upload to My Health Record, the details will be forwarded to My Health Record, and will appear in the My Health Record Prescription and Dispense View.

What prevents a script being uploaded?

The patient’s demographics must be complete, including their address and postcode for the script to be forwarded to My Health Record.

At least one component of Dose information in the Add Rx workflow must be selected for the script to be uploaded to My Health Record. If no dosage information is recorded for an over the counter medication, for example, the script will not be uploaded to My Health Record. Anything entered in Complex Instructions will trigger an upload to My Health Record.

Represcribe medications

When you represcribe an item from the Past prescriptions list, the prescribed item behaves in the same way as prescribing new medications.

When you represcribe an item in the Current RX list and press Print, the system checks the My Health Record Consent column.

My Health Record Consent = ‘Yes’

The script will print as usual.

My Health Record Consent = ‘Not given’

The script is most likely an old script created before the practice started using My Health Record in Bp Premier.

A screen will appear listing the items selected for re-prescribing marked as Not given. Tick those items that the patient would like to give consent to upload. The My Health Record Consent for that item will change to ‘Yes’. Each item will be ticked by default but can be unticked if the patient does not want the script details uploaded to My Health Record.

Click Upload and continue with the prescription process.

My Health Record Consent = ‘No’

The patient has previously advised that they did not want these details uploaded to My Health Record. You will not receive a prompt. If the patient would now like this script uploaded, you must edit the patient's My Health Record consent.

Edit Consent for My Health Record

  1. In the patient record, right-click on the script to be edited in the Current RX section, and select Edit Consent for My Health Record. The Edit My Health Record Consent screen will appear.
  2. Check that the correct medication is shown in the heading of the screen, and tick the box Upload prescription to My Health Record.

The My Health Record Consent column will change to ‘Yes’.

Last updated 16 November 2023.