Maintain Data

Record Locking

Understand how Bp Premier locks database records to ensure database integrity. Record locking occurs on visits, appointments, invoices and payments.

Change Document Database Rollover Size

You can configure the size of your document database to roll over at 1.8GB (the value all previous databases have rolled over at) or 9.5GB (in keeping with SQL Server Express’ current database size limit of 10GB).

Optimise SQL Server Memory

Optimise the amount of memory (RAM) allocated to SQL Server database, based on the amount available on your server.

What utilities are available in Bp Premier?

Describes all of the utilities available from Bp Premier. Some utilities should only be run with the guidance of Best Practice Software Support.

Cleaning up uncoded and free text data

Some screens allow 'free text' entry, which is usually not searchable and may be clinically ambiguous. Bp Premier offers a free text cleanup tool for Contact and document types, reminders, and free text diagnoses.

View deleted clinical data

Deleted clinical data is always retained. Administrators can view deleted data for a type of clinical data, or for a specific patient, which can be accessed from the main screen or from within the patient record. You can also export and recover deleted data from this utility.

Delete and recover records

In Bp Premier, you can delete and restore patient and user records. Patient records are deleted through the Patient list screen, and user records are deleted through the Users screen. Both patients and users can be restored through Bp Utilities.

Audit Record Changes and User Activity

You can monitor all password changes and login activity in Bp Premier through the View security audit utility.

Schedule SQL Index Rebuild to run automatically

Schedule the SQL Index Rebuild to run automatically via Bp Service.