Known issues for older versions

The known issues for older sunset versions of Bp Premier are listed below. Some issues have been resolved through subsequent Program Updates.

See End of support (sunset) for older versions for more information.

TIP    Click the column header to sort the tables by Bp Function, Issue, Fixed in Version, or Key.

Saffron SP3 / Saffron SP3 Rev 1

Bp Function


Fixed in


HealthLink SmartForms

HealthLink SmartForms will not transmit to HealthLink if the user saving and sending the form is a user category ‘Registrar’ or ‘Contract Doctor’. An error will be generated stating that validation failed. Workaround: To send the form, temporarily change the user’s category to ‘Employee Doctor‘ or ‘Principal Doctor’.



Online claiming

When using the Online Claiming screen to perform a Medicare Refund for a single service, the payment created date for all subsequent services in the batch will be updated to the date the refund function was performed.

Not yet resolved



When attempting to send batches that include the DVA Allied Health item numbers KM or OT80, an error occurs.



Third party software

The third party remote access software Veyon causes an issue with Bp Premier’s Bp Service. Bp Service will not start if Veyon is installed on the same machine as the Bp Premier server.

Not yet resolved


WorkCover QLD

When creating an account for WorkCover QLD and Do another account is ticked, the next account created will also be sent to WorkCover QLD if the Bill to field on the account is set to Medicare.

Workaround: Do not use Do another account after sending a WorkCover QLD account electronically.

Has occurred since Jade SP1.

Not yet resolved


Online claiming

When sending multiple items to Services Australia via patient claiming, if one of the items is rejected 'Service not payable at time of service' or 'Service may be aftercare', an error message will occur.



User categories

If a provider's user category is set to either Contract Doctor or Registrar, an error occurs when the provider attempts to create an Event Summary or Shared Health Summary for My Health Record.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1


Electronic Prescribing

When re-prescribing an electronic prescription token from the current Rx screen using MediSecure, an incorrect bar code is added to printed tokens.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1



Immunisations created in Saffron SP2 or earlier cannot be adjusted and resent in Saffron SP3 or later.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1


Online claiming

A limited number of practices are experiencing an issue where Medicare payment reports displayed in the Online Claiming screen are not reflecting the correct totals or batches.

Not yet resolved


Online claiming

Practices set up in PRODA with multiple minor IDs and a single B2B device are unable to send claims via patient claiming.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1


Online Claiming

Patient claims with a $0 payment amount are not appearing in the patient claims list.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1


Medicate Web Services

Practices set up in PRODA with multiple minor IDs and a single B2B device are failing the active PRODA device check in Bp Premier.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1



The following issues have been identified when performing a check for payments for Tyro bulk bill easyclaims:

  • Non-bulk bill easyclaim transactions are retrieved.
  • If reports for unpaid claims are not ready, the correct prompt does not appear.
  • If no records are retrieved, an error appears.

Not yet resolved



When creating an invoice with multiple items and the number of patients seen has been added to the invoice, all items include information about the number of patients, instead of just the items that require the number of patients added.

This can cause the incentive or any additional items that do not require the number of patients number to be specified to be rejected by Medicare.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1



When running an online claiming report and the report includes multiple batches with the same batch number, all services with the same batch number are listed together under the first batch date.

This issue may occur for any reports that group batches by batch number.

Not yet resolved



When printing PDF documents with excessive margins from Correspondence In, an error occurs. The error also occurs when attempting to print the document via the subpoena tool or via a patient health summary.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1



Immunisation Information Payments that your Doctors or Nurse Practitioners are expecting from Services Australia may have instead been issued to your practice, if the immunisations were recorded as given by another practice staff member.

These Information Payments will appear on the immunisation payment statement for your practice’s location, instead of appearing on the statement for the individual provider.

Not all practices will be affected by this issue. For more details on the issue in the Immunisation screen, review this supporting Knowledge Base article.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1



If you open the Influenza Immunisation screen from a patient record using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F1, you are unable to save a record with any item other than the default Influenza vaccination.

Workaround: Change the default influenza vaccination in Setup > Immunisation Batches > Default Influenza Vaccine.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1



The Regulation 49 check box in the prescribing wizard has reverted back to its previous label, Regulation 24.

When prescribing a medication with repeats, the number of repeats must be altered before the regulation 24 check box can be selected. Changing the number of repeats should not be required for the Regulation 24 check box to be selected.



Patient Billing History

In the Patient Billing History, when right-clicking a service and selecting Show Medicare/DVA transmissions, a fatal error occurs if the service was sent via Tyro.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1


Patient Claiming

When sending a payment via Patient Claiming to Services Australia, users may experience data validation errors.

Workaround: To minimise validation errors, please ensure Patient Demographic data is in the expected format for Services Australia. In most cases, the returned error message will be descriptive enough to identify the erroneous data needing correction.

Not yet resolved



When upgrading to Saffron SP3, update databases does not complete successfully.

Workaround: Run the Update Database.exe utility in C:\Program Files\Best Practice Software\BPS by right-clicking on the file and selecting 'Run as administrator'.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1


Patient Claiming

When sending a payment via Patient Claiming to Services Australia, if the invoice contains MBS and Non-MBS items it will fail to lodge.

Workaround: Users will need to process MBS items separately via Patient Claiming.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1


Electronic Prescribing

Medications that include a ‘<’ character in their strength field cannot be sent via ePrescribing for Practices using eRx.

Workaround: This is currently being investigated.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1



Practices that do not have a HPI-O entered receive an error message when attempting to upload immunisations to AIR, or use AIR functionality.

Best Practice Software suggest entering a practice HPI-O to ensure immunisation data can be transmitted to AIR. Visit the Services Australia Website for information on how to apply for a HPI-O.

Workaround: This is currently being investigated for practices that do not have a HPI-O.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1


Patient Claiming

When sending an invoice that requires a referral via patient claiming, if the contact included in the referral has a 7 character provider number, an error will appear indicating that the provider number is invalid.

Workaround: Add a '0' (zero) to the start of the provider number in Setup > Users.

Saffron SP3 Rev 1



When printing a patient drug sheet or patient health summary, if a prescription includes complex instructions, then the complex instructions will show twice.




If the patient has a special risk group alert recorded in the AIR, updating the patient's indigenous status will remove the special risk group Alert.

NOTE  This is an issue with AIR, not Bp Premier.

Not yet resolved


Saffron SP2 / Saffron SP2 Rev 1

Bp Function


Fixed in


Incentive items

In Saffron SP2 or later, If the MM Location selector in Location Details is set to any value other than ‘MM1’ and ‘MM2’, the MM location incentive item is not applied correctly to bulk bill invoices. The old incentive items 10990 or 10991 are still being applied.

Workaround: No current workaround. The correct incentive item can be added manually, but the incorrect incentive item cannot be removed.

Best Practice Software are working on an update to the January Data Update and will communicate to practices as soon as available.

Saffron SP3


Health Summaries

When creating a Health Summary in the patient record via File > Print Health Summary, the inactive past history section in the Health Summary incorrectly lists the patient's active past history instead.

Workaround: When creating a Patient Health Summary, select View. The Word processor will appear. Use the Past History List (Inactive) autofill key under Clinical to manually populate the correct Inactive History information.

Saffron SP3



When setting up outgoing email via Setup > Configuration > Email, if TLS encryption is disabled, a port cannot be set.


  1. When setting up outgoing email via Setup > Configuration > Email, tick Enable TLS encryption for Outgoing mail.
  2. In the Outgoing mail (STMP Server): section, click Add or Edit. The Setup outgoing mail server screen will appear.
  3. Specify the port you wish to use or keep the default port. If you are adding a new email, complete the rest of the fields on the screen and click Save.
  4. Ignore the message that the SMTP test connection has failed

  5. Untick Enable TLS encryption for Outgoing mail.

Not yet resolved.


Prescribing (MediSecure)

Prescribing Estalis Sequi via MediSecure omits the second active ingredient (Norethisterone) from the ETP message.


When prescribing, tick Include Brand Name. This includes brand but does also include both active ingredients correctly.

This issue will be fixed in Saffron Service Pack 3.

Saffron SP3


Payment details screen

Ticking Pay Gap does not populate the payment method fields, or the Gap: or Payment total: fields in the Payment details screen with the gap amount.

Saffron SP2 Rev1


Online patient verification

When performing an online patient verification from the appointment book by right-clicking on an appointment and selecting Online patient verification, clicking OK on the prompt causes the appointment book window to minimise.

Saffron SP3


Patient record

Longer phone numbers and ethnicity information is cut off early in the demographic information at the top of the patient record.

Saffron SP2 Rev1



An error occurs when clicking the Drug Combination button in the Current Rx wizard.

Saffron SP2 Rev1


Subpoena tool

A fatal error occurs when exporting the following data in the subpoena tool:

  • Prescriptions
  • Past History
  • Current RX
  • Immunisations
  • Requests
  • Visit Notes
  • Actions.

Saffron SP2 Rev1


Subpoena tool

If the following workflow is used in the Subpoena tool, the exported subpoena file will include all content preceding the date range, regardless of the date range selected:

  1. In the Subpoena tool, select a date range.
  2. Click Select on the item filter.
  3. Click Deselect all.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. Click Export.

Workaround: Use either of the following workflows when using the Subpoena tool instead.

  1. In the Subpoena tool, select a date range.
  2. Untick items you do not wish to include in the output.
  3. Click Export.
  1. In the Subpoena tool, select a date range.
  2. Click Select on the item filter.
  3. Individually deselect any items you do not wish to include in the output.
  4. Click Insert to add the remaining items to the output.
  5. Click Export.

Saffron SP2 Rev1


Saffron SP1

Bp Function


Fixed in


Contact export

Contacts exported from Jade SP3, Jade SP4, Saffron or Saffron SP1 cannot be imported back into any version of Bp Premier.

Saffron SP2


Electronic Prescribing

When represcribing an ePrescription token from Current Rx with MediSecure, Bp Premier will print the previous ePrescription bar code on paper tokens instead of the new bar code that is generated and sent to MediSecure.



Email from Word Processor

When sending to email from the word processor, if two recipients are added, Bp Premier will place a semicolon between the recipients. If the email is sent, Bp Premier will alert an 'invalid address' error.

Workaround: for emails from the word processor with multiple recipients, manually change the semicolon in the recipient list to a comma. The email will send successfully.

Saffron SP2


eOrdering (SP1)

If your practice has configured an eOrder provider through Contacts > Setup > eOrdering that uses multiple supplied layouts, only the default supplied layout is available for selection in Setup > Preferences > Imaging.

Saffron SP2


eOrdering (SP1)

In Preferences > Imaging, when selecting the preferred layout for an imaging lab that:

  • has been configured for eOrdering through Contacts > Setup > eOrdering, and
  • has a supplied layout

selecting 'Plain paper' will always revert the layout back to the supplied layout. Custom layouts can be selected successfully.

This issue will be resolved in a future Data Update. In the meantime, Best Practice Software have provided a script that users who have upgraded to Saffron SP1 can download and run to resolve this issue. Click here to obtain and run the script.

Saffron SP3


Waiting list

Practices may be unable to add patients with a future appointment that was booked before the upgrade to the waiting list for cancelled appointments.

When cancelling an appointment, or accessing the Waiting list for cancellations screen from an empty slot, the next patient in the cancellation list cannot be selected because the Select option is greyed out for these patients.

Patients with appointments booked after the upgrade work as expected.


Edit the patient's future appointment, untick and retick the Add for waiting list for cancellation option, and save the appointment. The patient will become selectable from the Waiting list for cancellations screen.

Not yet resolved.


Multiple sites and NASH certificates

If a practice upgrades to Saffron SP1 and sets up multiple HPI-O and NASH certificates for different locations, Bp Premier will not automatically distribute the NASH certificate for all locations on startup; only the default NASH certificate will be updated when Bp Premier is opened.

You can manually update NASH certificates for all locations in Setup > Configuration on each PC. However, manual update for all locations requires you to:

  • have Windows administrator rights
  • reinstall certificates for each location, for each PC
  • repeat installation for each Windows user account that uses Bp Premier.

Best Practice Software software recommends that NASH certificates for multiple locations be distributed through a Windows group policy. Your IT service provider can assist. Information is also available on the Microsoft technical knowledge base.

Saffron SP2




Release Notes

Fixed in



Unhandled exception error presented when signing in or signing out of the MEDrefer in the Bp Word Processor address book and action does not take effect. Sign in or sign out performed will take effect upon restarting Bp.

Saffron SP1


Scheduled Reminders

After upgrading to Saffron, some users experienced SMS messages not being sent from Bp Premier for scheduled SMS appointment reminders.

Saffron SP1


Debtor list

Debtor list did not show name of contact where accounts were billed against a contact with no first name.

Saffron SP1


Scheduled reminders

The options Exclude appointments that already have a reminder sent and Exclude appointments made within the last X days in Setup > Configuration were reversed when the Utilities > Send Appointment Reminders function was opened.

Saffron SP1



The Added by and Added on values for a patient's reminders now show the original date that the reminder was created and the user who created the reminder, not the user logged in when the reminder was sent.

Saffron SP1


Scheduled reminders

The options Exclude appointments that already have a reminder sent and Exclude appointments made within the last X days for Scheduled Reminder setup in Setup > Configuration > Bp Service > Configure Appointment Reminders now inherit by default from the values in Setup > Configuration > Reminders, but can be edited in the scheduled reminder setup.

Saffron SP1


My Health Record

Uploads to My Health Record of eRx scripts were failing due to an incorrect AMT Code System value. This has been fixed.

Saffron SP1



When reprinting an eOrder pathology request from Previous Requests, sometimes the barcode was missing on the reprinted request.

Saffron SP1



Duplicate barcodes sometimes appeared on eOrder pathology requests.

Saffron SP1


Database restore

Restoring a database from a previous version of Bp Premier causes missing functions and Stored Procedures.

Saffron SP1


Real Time Prescription Monitoring

Printing Monitored Drugs from Stored Prescriptions did not perform a Real Time Prescribing Check.

Saffron SP1


Incoming reports

HL7 reports were not populating the Addressed to field in the Incoming Reports window.

Saffron SP1


Bp Partner Network

Upgrading to Saffron detected Management Report stored procedures as missing.

Saffron SP1



Paying off a single invoice with two separate cheques no longer generates an error.

Callstack indicators:


Saffron SP1


Finalise visit

The Finalise visit window no longer errors when searching for MBS item numbers greater than 100000.

Callstack indicator:


Saffron SP1


Past visits

In Jade SP2 and later, printing Past Visits by any method excluded Patient Name and other header information. This has been fixed.

Saffron SP1


Secure Messaging Acknowledgements

For generating acknowledgements upon import of a message, Bp Premier will check to match the sending facility in the HL7 message against the sending facility set up under Results Import > Acknowledgements. If a match is found, Bp Premier uses the matching path.

Otherwise, when a message is imported, if Allows acknowledgements is checked and an acknowledgement path is set for that messaging vendor (determined by the import path), Bp Premier will output an acknowledgement to the specified path for that messaging vendor.

Saffron SP1




The Sequence Number generated for Pneumococcus in the Immunisation Schedule for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander demographics at 12 Months was incorrect. The Sequence Number is now correct.

Saffron SP1



Surgery consultation items were not prompting for referral details in Account details screen when the provider had Requires referral for Medicare Billing ticked.

Saffron SP1


My Health Record

If a practice name in Setup > Practice details contained the '&' character, this caused an error with Event Summary uploads to a patient's My Health Record. This issue also occurred in version Jade SP4.

Saffron SP1


Patients.IN import

When importing data from Patients.IN via Bp Service, the UR_NO / ExternalID field was trimmed during the import process, which could result in duplicate patient files that needed to be merged.

Saffron SP1



When opening the Reminders window, and some other windows in Bp Premier, sometimes the user received an 'Application Code Error causing Access Violation' error. This no longer occurs.

Callstack indicator:


Saffron SP1


CDA referrals

Opening a CDA Referral from the Correspondence Out panel in the patient record, by double-clicking or right-clicking and selecting View, causes a fatal error in Bp Premier. The user will be prompted to close Bp Premier if this error is generated.

Callstack indicator:



Best Practice Software recommend viewing sent CDA referrals by either:

  • Clicking the document in the patient tree, which will display the ereferral contents correctly in the right-side panel.
  • Right-clicking the document in the Correspondence Out panel and selecting Move to Correspondence In. This will temporarily move the item to the Correspondence In section. Sent CDA referrals can be moved back after Best Practice Software has resolved this issue.

Saffron SP1


Scheduled SMS appointment reminders

After upgrading to Saffron, some users have experienced SMS messages are not being sent from Bp Premier for scheduled SMS appointment reminders.


Best Practice Software recommend that you confirm SMS messages are being sent from a reminder schedule after upgrading to version Saffron. If not, you will have to manually send appointment reminders by SMS using the single message function.

Best Practice Software are working on resolving this issue.

Saffron SP1



An option Enable Service Registration Assistant for management of users and locations is visible in Setup > Configuration. This function is not yet available and should not be enabled at your practice. The option will be disabled in a future update of Bp Premier.

Saffron SP1


Upgrading and Installation

The links to release materials in the Bp Premier Saffron Install and Upgrade Wizards point to old versions of Bp Premier.

For information on What's New, Best Practice Software recommend selecting Help > Online within Bp Premier after upgrading and viewing What's New, or the new feature links from the knowledge base home page.

Saffron SP1


Electronic prescribing

If the total length of qualifications recorded in the provider details is over 50 characters, the user will be alerted that the qualifications list sent with the token is too long. The script will still be printed.

Best Practice Software software recommend that the qualifications list for users who receive this message truncate their qualifications to under fifty characters.

This is a limitation imposed by the electronic script token format and not Bp Premier.

Saffron SP1



From the patient record, selecting Correspondence out > Add > Send HL7 and then closing the document will prompt to save changes even if the user has made no changes to the last saved version of the document.

If this prompt appears, and you are sure that you have made no changes since the last time you saved this document, you can click No to this prompt.

Behaviour is otherwise as expected.

Saffron SP1


Secure messaging

Not all clinical systems are able to receive PDF payloads. In this case, a Formatted Text segment can also be included which can be received as an alternative. However, some secure messaging providers will not transmit a secure message containing a PDF if the recipient cannot accept this. If a secure message cannot be delivered due to PDF content, the secure messaging software may trigger an alert or error message advising the user that the file cannot be sent.


If you send a secure message and receive an alert advising that it cannot be sent because the receiver does not support the payload type (PDF), Best Practice Software recommend ticking the Include a formatted text OBX in REF check box in Setup > Configuration > Messaging > Edit messaging provider.

If the message still cannot be sent by secure messaging with this option ticked, Best Practice Software recommend requesting the intended recipient of the secure message contact the Argus Telstra Health Help desk (1800 952 282) so that their mail rules configuration can be updated to receive this payload.

Dependent on secure messaging system. Nothing to resolve.


Secure messaging

After upgrading to Saffron, a new field Allows acknowledgements in Setup > Configuration > Messaging > Add is ticked by default for existing providers.

Best Practice Software recommend you confirm that your messaging provider's software accepts acknowledgements if you leave this option ticked. If you are unsure or your messaging provider does not yet support accepting acknowledgements, untick this option for all providers after upgrading to Saffron.

Dependent on secure messaging system. Nothing to resolve.


Custom preparations

Deleting an ingredient from a custom preparation is permanent, regardless of whether or not the preparation was saved. This will affect custom preparations sent by eScript; the Patient will receive a script without identifying information on the drug, rendering it invalid. Also occurs in Jade and Saffron.

Workaround: If you encounter this issue, you must add the missing ingredients to the custom preparation.

Not yet resolved.


Appointment book preferences

When increasing the default appointment length in Setup > Configuration > Appointments, the prompt to ask users whether changes should apply to current session settings only appears when reducing the default length.

Not yet resolved.



Bp Premier errors when exporting to HL7 a specialist referral letter containing a custom preparation that has a strength of more than 10 concurrent numbers.

Callstack indicator:


Not yet resolved.



When creating a new pathology request, if you go to Previous requests and select Use again, the Billing type from the previous request updates the Default billing in the logged-in user's pathology preferences (Setup > Preferences).

This issue affects all supported versions of Bp Premier.

Saffron SP3


Password security

If a password is set beginning with the digits '8' or '9', the following utilities generate an 'incorrect password' error on attempted login: BPCertificateManager and BPS_ImportExportUtility.

Not yet resolved.


Electronic prescribing

Ceased eScripts are unable to be cancelled or deleted from Past Prescriptions. Also occurs in Jade SP3.

Saffron SP2




Release Notes

Fixed in


Merging records

Patient records can be merged while open, which can cause issues with the record data.

Not yet resolved.


Pathology Request

The Requested tests and Clinical details fields can be truncated on the request printout if you type in a large amount of text and then select items from the picklist.

Not yet resolved.


Contact Notes - Remote download mode

Resending messages from the contact notes list when in remote download mode causes a fatal error.

Not yet resolved.


Contact Notes - Remote download mode

Contact notes list is not in date order in remote download mode.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms Status

Bp Comms status in the patient's demographics is incorrect in remote download mode.

Not yet resolved.


ADF Discharge Summary

In Jade and Indigo SP2, printing an ADF Discharge Summary can take up to a minute to finalise.

Not yet resolved.


Appointment Book

In Jade and Indigo SP1, if the default appointment length is less than the session length and you choose to make multiple slots unavailable through the appointment book right-click menu, Bp Premier creates multiple unavailable records in the database. This does not affect users, but may affect third parties that integrate with the database.

Not yet resolved.


Best Health App

Messages with a null body sent to app are still being transmitted.

Not yet resolved.


Best Health App

If the Onboarding window in Bp Premier Configuration cannot authenticate with Amazon Web Services, the window will still load and display practice locations for onboarding after errors are displayed.

Not yet resolved.


BMI tool

Patient risk text remains displayed in the BMI tool if invalid data is entered.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms

Cancelling from the demographics window after enrolling a patient for Best Health App leaves the patient enrolled for Best Health App.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms

Fact sheets can still be sent to app when Best Health App is disabled.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms Message Queue

If the Message Queuing service is stopped and the Best Practice Messaging Service is started, the MessageQueue log incorrectly reports the Message Queue service as not installed.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms Message Queue

The error message shown when attempting to send a message to patient app does not distinguish between the Message Queue service not started or not installed.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms Messaging Service

If the Best Practice Messaging Service is not available, and a user attempts to send a message from the appointment book and selects No to the service unavailable alert, an error is shown and the window does not close.

Not yet resolved.


Bulk Document Import

Pressing F5 no longer refreshes the window. You must use the menu item Refresh.

Not yet resolved.


Complex accounts

In Jade and Indigo SP2, the Add Another function on the Complex Account window does not work as expected for MBS items.

Not yet resolved.


EPC Care Plan

If you add a custom field to the GP Management Plan template inn Jade or Indigo SP2, the custom field prompt will appear twice when the care plan is previewed or printed.

Not yet resolved.



When editing an existing immunisation, if the patient's vaccine name did not exactly match the vaccine name in the drug database, the Available Vaccines list would default to the top entry 'ACTHiB' and this would change the vaccine if the edited record was saved. This issue was previously fixed for upper and lower case differences.

Not yet resolved.


Online help

Clicking F1 in the Provider Inbox does not always open the Bp Premier online help in the default browser.

Not yet resolved.


Patient Notifications

In Jade and Indigo SP1, the Open Visit option in the Notifications section right-click menu does not work for reminders.

Not yet resolved.


QLD WorkCover

In Jade, Indigo, and Indigo Rev 1, if the certificate DigiCert High Assurance CA.cer has been installed multiple times, QLD WorkCover invoicing can produce an error.

A workaround is to open certificate manager, Action > Find Certificates, search by serial number, and remove duplicate certificates.

Not yet resolved.


Today's notes

In Jade and Indigo SP1, FEV1/FVC values are duplicated in Today's notes when resaving respiratory function values that have not changed.

Not yet resolved.


Results Import

If a non-RTF format result file has been saved to a patient file under Investigations, and a workstation downloads the database remotely to operate in remote mode, the result file will no longer be viewable

If while in remote database mode the result file is moved to Correspondence In, and the remote database session is synchronised back to the server, the result file is replaced by the blank file and is no longer readable.

This also can also occur for sites running Indigo Revision 1.


If a blank result appears in Investigations while in Remote Database mode, do not move this file to Correspondence IN.

Not yet resolved.


Correspondence In

Marking an item in the Correspondence In section of the patient record as 'Given' can cause slowness if the patient has a large number of documents in Correspondence In.

Not yet resolved.


HealthLink Online Directory

The HealthLink online directory does not refresh existing search results when a name is cleared from the Name search field.


Clear the postcode value and re-enter it to regenerate search results.

Not yet resolved.


BP Backup

The Backup database button on the BPS Backup utility may be disabled when running a manual backup.


Set the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Best Practice Software\Best Practice\Database > Server to 'local' and reattempt the manual backup. Your IT support can assist with updating the registry.

You may need to change the registry value back to its original setting.

Not yet resolved.


BP Backup

The default location for a manual backup (normally the last manual backup location) is reset if an automatic scheduled backup is set up or run.


Manually change the default location to the desired location when performing a manual backup.

Not yet resolved.


Online Claiming

When you right-click a batch and select Get processing report, the Online claim processing report does not list the surname of the patient for DVA claims.


Save the report, double-click the batch, and review all of the rejections with the patients' first name and surname. If a practice is only interested in viewing the data, you can print the report or go to View > Processing reports.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms

When creating a Bp Comms SMS template with autopopulate fields that do not apply to the selected template type, an unrecoverable error can occur.


Do not manually insert or cut and paste fields between different SMS template types. Only ever insert autopopulate fields by selecting from the list of available fields in the Edit Bp Comms Template window.

Not yet resolved.


HealthLink Online Directory

When searching the HealthLink online directory for contacts, the Maximum Distance search field is not consistently enabled when a postcode is entered

Not yet resolved.


Contact Category

If a contact category has multiple specialist codes mapped, when searching for the category plus either a name or postcode, the results returned include providers that do not belong to the category selected.

Not yet resolved.


Online Claiming

Online Claiming — Not duplicate service indicator missing when multiple services are marked NDS.


Send services on separate invoices and select appropriate indicators.

Not yet resolved.


Custom Preparation

If a custom preparation is prescribed and printed, any changes made to the ingredients of the preparation are reflected in the past prescription entry in the patient record.


Create a new custom preparation if the ingredients need to be changed from a previous prescription. After you save the new custom preparation, you can delete the old custom preparation.

Not yet resolved.


Third Party Billing

If a site links to Medilink and has enabled the floating waiting list, the floating Waiting List window function cannot be disabled in Indigo.


Try one of the following:

  • Before you run the Indigo Program Update, go to Setup > Preferences > General > and untick the box Show waiting list if enabled to Medilink.
  • If you have already run the upgrade, call Best Practice Software Support to receive a script to disable this function.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms

Appointment Book SMS Reminders — Exclude appointments made within the last x days default dependency issue.


The check box Exclude appointments that already have a reminder sent must be ticked for the Exclude appointments made within the last x days default to work. Otherwise, Exclude appointments that already have a reminder sent must be manually selected when sending the SMS.

Not yet resolved.


Clinical Reminders

Unable to remove a reminder type if the reminder reason tied to this is deleted.


Contact Support to request a script to recover the deleted reminder reason.

Not yet resolved.


Merge Users

After merging users, if the user was configured to use eRx, the settings for eRx will be lost.


Reconfigure eRx for the new merged user.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Device

Bp Device — Error inserting record when the name contains an apostrophe.


Remove the the apostrophe from the patient surname prior to completing the assessment. After the assessment the apostrophe can be put back into the surname.

Not yet resolved.


Manual Direct Bill Claims

You can no longer adjust the accept fee when adjusting a service in a manual batch from the Reconcile Direct Bill Batch screen. This action was possible in previous versions of Bp Premier.

Not yet resolved.


Patient Import

When importing a patient, new Audit-C items are not imported.

Not yet resolved.


Multiple Locations

The multiple location work loads the selected location on the Login window into the User object. This only stores the Location in memory.

Not yet resolved.


WorkCover QLD

The accident date control is not shown when creating an account for a provider who does not have a default item number. Adding an item or performing an update of another control (e.g. entering notes, changing service date) makes the accident date control appear.

Not yet resolved.


Bp Comms

The SMS user name field on the SMS Connection Information window (Setup > Configuration > SMS Messages) does not trim white space characters. This causes Test connection to display an error.

Not yet resolved.


Deleted Clinical Data Utility

In the Deleted Clinical Data Utility, any Correspondence In or Out that has been deleted isn’t displayed.

Not yet resolved.


Bulk Document Import

Bulk Document Importer — Fatal error after changing file order for merged images.


Do not expand the display before assigning to a patient to prevent the error.

Not yet resolved.



An error occurs when sending an eReferral or an Event Summary with an investigation result name containing the character '&'.


Exclude the test to upload the eReferral or Event Summary successfully.

Not yet resolved.


Appointment Book

If an appointment is booked into the first appointment slot after midnight, the appointment produces an error when opened on that day.


Do not create an appointment in the first slot after midnight.

Not yet resolved.


Online Claiming

When over 600 batches are returned when displaying Medicare claims, not all batches are displayed.


Choose a shorter date range to search for batches.

Not yet resolved.


BP Backup

The Backup history in Bp Utilities does not display backup file sizes.


Print the backup history, which will print the correct information.

Not yet resolved.


Current Rx

When searching for a drug in the Current Rx Add window, a refresh issue will occur if you misspell the medication. The window will display medications, but you cannot select one.


Spell the medication you are searching for correctly.

Not yet resolved.


Patient Billing History

Reverse payment — The Credit payment to payer's account check box resets when you select from the Reason for Reversal drop down.


Choose a reason for reversal before unchecking the credit check box.

Not yet resolved.


Daily Message

Daily message font size not changing.


Use external software such as Microsoft Word to change font size or colour, and copy and pasted the adjusted text into the daily message window.

Not yet resolved.


Word Processor

Data loss can occur when using large images.


Reduce the image height and width in the word processor before saving the document.

Not yet resolved.


Held Accounts

For Held accounts, the Multiple operations rule reduces the fee incorrectly.


  1. Create an account billed to Medicare.
  2. Add items 30196, 30195.
  3. Hold the account.
  4. Double-click on one of the items that are already reduced.
  5. Add something like service text and click OK. The fee will now halve.

Not yet resolved.


User Permissions

When the Prescriptions permission is set to 'View only', the user is unable to use the Show compliance option when viewing Rx.


Change the user's permission to 'Add/Edit/Delete'.

Not yet resolved.



If a Provider who is set up for MediSecure prints stored prescriptions, Bp Premier will send all the stored prescriptions to MediSecure, regardless of the MediSecure status of the original prescriber.


Use the filtering options in the Stored Prescriptions window before printing to ensure that the user does not print prescriptions for any users who are not set up to use MediSecure.

Not yet resolved.


Online Claiming

Selecting Mark as fully paid in Online Claiming does not create any payment records for the service, and therefore the Payment reports do not match the Medicare batch reports.


Only use Mark as fully paid when Medicare has paid the batch external to the batch and the user wants to indicate that the item has been paid.

Not yet resolved.


Bulk Document Import Utility

When importing an image via the Bulk Document Import Utility, the image can be rotated but will rotate back when the import window is refreshed by ticking any of the following: Inbox, Patient File, Default, Delete after importing, Add to selected image as a new page.


Tick the check box you want to apply before rotating the image: Inbox, Patient File, Default, Delete after importing, Add to selected image as a new page

Not yet resolved.


Appointment Book

In the Appointment Book, any slot in an extra session cannot be made unavailable if the time being made unavailable matches a slot in a session that is for the same day of week but has been set up as part of a cycle.


Modify the extra session to move the times that the user wants to make unavailable.

Not yet resolved.


Document Database

You may receive an error that says '… not able to access the database BPSDOCUMENTS1 under the current security context'.


Contact Best Practice Software support to request a script to fix the issue.

Not yet resolved.


Practice Fees

When adjusting the fee for a $0 custom item on a custom schedule from the Finalise Visit window, the amount entered is not retained when creating the account from the linked appointment. The item will appear as $0 in the Create Account window and the user will need to change the amount once again.


Try one or both of the following:

  • Change the custom fee amount to $0.01 via Setup > Practice fees.
  • Use the practice fee schedule (the fee schedule is unaffected).

Not yet resolved.


Remote Database

Workstations running Remote Download cannot access HealthShare factsheets, HealthLink forms, or Online Help.


Bp Premier resources that require Internet connectivity cannot be accessed while the workstation is not connected to the Internet.

Not yet resolved.


Online Claiming

If a patient is bulk-billed a second visit on the same day after paying privately for the first visit (or bulk-billed the first after paying for the second), Medicare will reject the claim and say 'Benefit previously paid'. This is because a specific flag isn't set when claiming an additional service via bulk bill to indicate that the service is not a duplicate.


A possible solution is to create an additional bulk-bill account which will be recognised as '3rd visit same day'. Change the 3 to a 2 and transmit via Online claiming. This will add the required flag to indicate that the service isn't a duplicate. The received exceptions of 'Benefit has been previously paid' from the second account will need to be written off.

Not yet resolved.



Duplex printing will only occur when items are sent to the Windows default printer.


Print all duplex-required printing to the Windows default printer.

Not yet resolved.



When a CDA result is viewed in Document Viewer, Bp Premier may select the wrong XML file of the result to view and display the XML code instead of a readable document. The file system cannot guarantee the order of the files. The NTFS file system is supposed to order files alphabetically. However, this is not guaranteed.


This is not a common occurrence. If your practice encounters this issue, contact Best Practice Software Support for investigation.

Not yet resolved.



In the Payment screen, an error appears when paying off a single invoice with two separate cheques.


Separate the cheques into multiple payments against the invoice.

Not yet resolved.



Unable to have a different letterhead for each User's location.


Configure the letterhead for each letter when the location is different than the usual location or have the User profile set up for each location they work

Not yet resolved.


Merge Users

Issues may be encountered when merging users. Limited details are merged.


Contact Best Practice Software Support for more information on merging users.

Not yet resolved.


Appointment Book

If a long appointment is booked into a slot that has an unavailable slot before and after, the length of the long appointment cannot be reduced.


Remove one of the surrounding unavailable slots, which will allow you to edit the long appointment and reduce the length.

Not yet resolved.



Error printing script with MediSecure app running on client.


Remove the MediSecure app from the client machine and only run from the Server

Not yet resolved.


Patient Clinical Record

In the Clinical > Pregnancy list, the user list displays all users.

Not yet resolved.


Internal Messages

After a message is actioned from the Messages screen, Bp Premier will select the next most recent message instead of the next chronological message.

Not yet resolved.


Health Assessment Tool

Information selected about 'Mobility Aid' is not displayed when printing a Health Assessment.

Not yet resolved.


Appointment Book

When booking an appointment in a session time slot that is longer than the default appointment length, the increments available allow you to exceed the maximum hours available in a day.

Not yet resolved.


Patient Import

When importing patients, you may receive an error message 'Cannot open database BPSDocuments0 requested by login'.

Not yet resolved.


Atomised Values

Atomised Report values — Header falls out of alignment with the body when there are more than 340 values.


Atomised Report values — Header falls out of alignment with the body when there are more than 340 values.

Not yet resolved.


Multiple Operations Rule.

The multiple operations rule is still applied for Private fees.

Not yet resolved.


Waiting Room

When you add a patient directly to the waiting room using the "Add to waiting room" button, the list of users that is shown does not take into account what locations a provider works at, allowing the user to add patients at any location.

Not yet resolved.


Bulk Document Import

Unable to select a location when importing documents via the Bulk Document Import utility.

Not yet resolved.


Last updated 22 May 2023.