Managing problem code lists and preferences

This article explains how Bp can be used to record diagnosed problem codes.

Record the preferred problem coding list for the provider

When a provider searches for a new problem code, their preferred coding system can be recorded to ensure they primarily use that list.

  1. Click Setup > Providers > This Clinic.
  2. Select the relevant provider from the Providers screen and click the Modify button.
  3. Click the Internal tab.
  4. TIP The Custom code list is a list set up by the clinic. Follow the instructions in Managing problem code lists and preferences to set up a Custom list.

  5. Select the preferred coding list from the Preferred Problem Coding section and click OK.

Record preferences for problem searching and recording

When searching for a problem code, you are able to search by a description or the code. To record the preference for the clinic:

  1. Click Setup > Facility Preferences > General Preferences.
  2. When the Facility Preferences are displayed, select the Medical Desktop tab.
  3. Select the preference for searching in the Default Search for Problems section.
  4. TIP You can also set all problems to resolved by selecting Default Medical Problems to Resolved. This will not affect problems added before the setting change.

  5. Click OK to save.

Personal Preferences

Users can also set their own personal preference:

  1. Click Setup > Personal Preferences and select the Medical tab.
  2. IMPORTANT To update Personal Preferences ensure that you untick Use Facility Preferences. Facility Preferences are the global settings defined in the General and Financial Preferences.

  3. Select the preference for searching in the Default Search for Problems section.
  4. Click OK to save.

Add a problem to a patient's medical record

The Problems list contains the code and description of a patient's on-going and resolved problems.

    NOTE The Problems list can also be accessed from the Medical Desktop (F11) if a Problems button link or the Problems display section has been added.

  1. When the correct patient is displayed in the snapshot click Medical > Problems (Shift F9).
  2. or

  3. From the patient's Medical Desktop, click the Problems button.
  4. The Problems screen is displayed.

  5. Click the Add Problem button.
  6. The Choose Problem screen is displayed.

  7. Check the correct coding system is selected at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Enter either the description or the code in the Search field and ensure the required Search by radio button is selected.
  9. TIP You can prefix your search with / to activate the search by Description if the default search is by Code.

  10. When the required problem code is displayed, highlight it and click the OK button.
  11. TIP If the coding system has multiple levels, click the + symbol to expand the list.

    The problem is listed in the patients Problems screen.

  1. The date of diagnosis is defaulted to the current date but this can be changed in the Diagnosed field if required.
  2. Record the Location.
  3. Enter notes associated with this problem in the Summary field.
  4. NOTE The Episode of Care section is for specialised Hospice Bp clients.

  5. Click Close to save or Add Problem to add an additional problem.

The problem will display in the patients Problem screen and in the Medical Desktop Problem display field if this has been added to the User Defined Form.

Use the UDF Problems display section

If the Problem display has been added to the Medical Desktop UDF:

  • Click the Code button to add a new problem code to the patients record.
  • If the section is 'greyed out', the current visit record is uneditable - view the details by clicking the Problems button or Medical < Problems.
  • If a new medical visit note has been created, select the down arrow to display the problem in the Problems field and click the Details button.
  • Selecting the problem in the Problems field for a medical visit note will also display the problem in the Visit History section.

Mark an on-going problem as resolved

By default a problem is defined as ongoing in Bp To mark a problem as resolved:

  1. Open the Problem screen for the patient and select the problem.
  2. Uncheck the Ongoing box and enter the Resolved date.
  3. IMPORTANT Problems can be marked as resolved by default. This is done through either Practice Preferences or Facility Preferences. Follow the instructions in Record preferences for problem searching and recording

Create an ICD-10 favourites list

When ICD-10 is selected as the problem coding list, the option to use a Favourites List is enabled. This narrows down the displayed list to the selected 'favourite' problem codes.

TIP Adding an ICD-10 problem code to your favourites list can be done while adding a code to a patient.

  1. Search for the required problem code in the Choose Problem screen.
  2. Right mouse click on the highlighted problem and select Add to Favourites.
  3. Next time you access the Choose Problem screen, the list of Favourites will display by default, enabling easy search and selection of problem codes.

  4. When a code has been added to the favourite list, it can be removed by right clicking and selecting Remove from Favourites.

NOTE To perform a general search, uncheck the Favourites tick box.

Last modified: 18 August 2023