Integrate with Epiphany CardioServer

Bp integrates with Fuji Epiphany systems to allow synchronisation of relevant patient and appointment data, and to submit and receive cardiology examinations and results.

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How does Bp transfer data to Epiphany?

Fuji Epiphany clinical software (Epiphany) is not supplied or maintained by Best Practice Software. For more information on installing Fuji Epiphany software, contact Fuji Epiphany Support for the appropriate software. The instructions below assume that Epiphany software has already been successfully installed on your practice network.

Bp communicates with Epiphany in two ways:

  • Bp creates HL7 messages and delivers the messages via TCP/IP. The message files contain patient demographics and patient appointment booking data. Bp Services polls the Bp database periodically to determine if there are messages to create.
  • A Bp TCP/IP listener waits for incoming connections from Epiphany. When an incoming connection is accepted, Bp accepts incoming HL7 results, determines the patient record to which they belong, and imports the embedded PDF result into the patient’s record. Unmatched results are added to Unfiled Images in Bp, and can be manually allocated to the correct patient.

The Fuji Epiphany integration with Bp will always use a Patient Matching method of 'Internal unique ID'.

NOTE Because the Epiphany interface relies on Bp Services to poll the database, Bp Services must be running for data to be transferred between Bp and Epiphany. Contact Best Practice Software Specialist Product Support if you need more information on installing and starting Bp Services.

What data does Bp send to Epiphany?

If a new patient is created, or changes are made to the following fields, Bp will create or update the corresponding patient record in Epiphany:

  • NHI Number
  • First name
  • Surname
  • DOB
  • Sex
  • Address

If any appointments associated with the selected Work List Filters are created or updated, Bp will create or update the corresponding appointment book information in Epiphany.

Bp Services will look to see if Epiphany (and other interfaces) has been installed, and if so, polls the database about every two minutes for new or updated records. If any changes or new records are created, the interface will export the data to Epiphany. If the interface is scanning or exporting, the poll timer stalls and restarts when the process is finished.

When you install the Epiphany interface for the first time, the process may take some time to transfer existing data, depending on the number of patients and appointments you have stored, for example.

Before you begin

The Fuji Epiphany integration uses a nominated TCP/IP port, instead of a Windows folder, to send and receive data between the two systems. You will need to know the port number used by your Epiphany software when setting up the interface definition in Bp

Set up the Epiphany interfaces

Install interfaces

  1. Log in to Bp as a Bp Administrator.
  2. Select File > Utilities > Live Update to open the VIP Live Update screen.
  3. In the VIP Live Update screen:
    • Section 1 — Select Import.
    • Section 2 — Select Interface Definitions.
    • Section 4 — Select Bp FTP.

    VIP Live Update for Fuji Epiphany files

  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Live Update window, check the Status column for the two interfaces:
    • Fuji ORM Worklist.
    • Fuji Worklist

    If the Status column shows 'Installed', you do not need to reinstall the interfaces. Click Cancel, and click Cancel again to close the VIP Live Update window. Go to Set up interfaces.

    If the Status column shows 'Not Installed', select 'Install' from the Action column for both interfaces and click OK. The interfaces will be installed.

    In the following example, the two Fuji interface files have been installed and require no action.

  6. Live Update options for Fuji

Set up interfaces

Add Fuji Worklist

  1. In Bp, select SetupMedicalExternal Interfaces. Click New in the Maintain External Interfaces screen.
  2. Click New. The Details tab will open.
  3. Enter a descriptive Name for the Fuji Epiphany interface, such as 'Fuji Cardio'.
  4. Select the Interface 'Fuji Worklist'.
  5. Fuji External Interface

  6. Leave the Program Folder and Transfer Folder empty.
  7. Click Worklist Filter Settings. The Work List Filters screen will appear.
  8. Select the Page Owners, Locations, and Appointment Types that you want transferred to Synergy when new records are created or changes are made.
  9. In the example below, all options have been ticked, which means any new patients or appointments, or any updates to patients or appointments will be transferred to Fuji Epiphany. If you did not select the Page Owner 1. 'Dr Harry Cardiology', for example, appointments booked for this provider would not be transferred.

    Work List Filters for Synergy

  10. Click OK to return to the Maintain External Interfaces screen.
  11. Click OK to save the interface.

Add Fuji ORM Worklist

  1. In the Maintain External Interfaces screen, click New to create the second interface. The Details tab will open.
  2. Enter a descriptive Name for the Fuji Epiphany interface, such as 'Fuji Cardio ORM'.
  3. Select the Interface 'Fuji ORM Worklist'.
  4. This step is optional. Select where in Bp you want descriptive text from Fuji Epiphany imported to: 
    • Do not insert Tag (ignore)
    • Exam Field in medical note
    • Assessment Field in medical note
    • Management Field in medical note.

    Fuji ORM External Interface

  5. Click OK to save the interface.
  6. An image file, contained within the incoming message, will be displayed in the Medical Desktop, in the filmstrip.

Set TCP/IP ports

The method will depend on the version of Bp you are running. To find out which version of Bp you have installed, select Help > About from the main menu and inspect the Version field.

When setting the ports that will be used, you also must ensure that your practice network and firewalls have been configured to allow connections on those ports. Your IT service provider can assist with network configuration.

For Bp version 2.1.517.033 or later

  1. Log in to the Bp server as a Bp administrator.
  2. Select FileUtilitiesVIP Service Controller. The VIP Service Controller window will appear.
  3. VIP Service Controller for Fuji

  4. Enter the incoming and outgoing ports to use: 
    • Fuji Message IP & Port — The IP address and port which the VIP services component will listen on for incoming HL7 embedded PDF messages.
    • Fuji Worklist IP & Port — The IP address and port to which the VIP services component will send HL7 messages.
  5. Click Update Service. Bp will indicate if VIP Services has been updated. Click OK.
  6. Restart VIP Services.

Edit the config file

If you are running Bp version 2.1.517.033 or earlier, you will need to edit the file VIP.Services.Net.exe.config.

You need to edit the VipServices.Net.exe.config file to add the IP address and TCP/IP port that Bp will use to send and listen for incoming updates.

  1. On the Bp server machine, open a Windows file explorer and browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Houston Medical\
  2. Browse to services config file

  3. Right-click on the file VipServices.Net.exe.config and select Edit. The config file will open in Notepad.
  4. Add the following lines inside the section <appSettings> </appSettings>
  5. <add key="FujiReportMessagePort" value="IncomingPort"/>

    <add key="FujiReportMessageIpAddress" value="IncomingIPAddress"/>

    <add key="FujiWorklistPort" value="SendtoFujiPort"/>

    <add key="FujiWorklistIpAddress" value="FujiIPAddress"/>

    Where the values should be:

    • IncomingPort / IncomingIPAddress — The IP address and port which the VIP services component should listen on for incoming HL7 embedded PDF messages.
    • SendToFujiPort / FujiIPAddress — The IP address and port to which the VIP services component should send ADT, SIU, and ORM messages.

    The following example shows the lines added with values. The exact values will depend on your specific practice and Fuji software.

    Edit VipServicesNetExe File

  6. Save the file and close Notepad.

Restart VIP services

Go to the Windows Services screen and stop and restart

Restart VIP services

Your IT provider or system administrator can assist with restarting this service.

Epiphany interface setup is complete.


Last modified: July 2020