Import scanned documents from folder

Bp can be configured to automatically import scanned documents from a nominated folder into patient records.

How Bp imports the files

After bulk scanning has been set up, Bp will scan the import folder every four minutes for new files. Files named 'DoB_surname_firstname' or ' DoB_surname_firstname_*' will be imported into the record of any patient whose name matches the file, where:

  • DoB is the patient's date of birth in the format yyyymmdd
  • '*' indicates a file number, when importing multiple files for the same patient.

Filenames are case-insensitive. Successfully imported files are placed into a subfolder of the import folder named Archive and deleted by Bp after seven days. Files that cannot be imported are placed into a subfolder called BadFiles.

For example, say the folder contains the following files:

  • 19760429_smith_john_1.jpg
  • 19760429_Smith_John_2.jpg
  • 19880321_brown_jack.bmp
  • 1960_johnson_richard.pdf

The first two files will be imported into the patient record for 'John Smith' with a DOB of 29 April, 1976. The third file will be imported into the record for 'Jack Brown' with the supplied DOB. The fourth file will not be imported because the filename format is incorrect. An error will be recorded in the log and the file moved to the BadFiles folder.

Bp will import the following file types: Jpg, Bmp, Gif, Png, Tif, Dcm, PDF.

Follow the instructions below in order to set up scanning documents.

Choose an external interface

Bp offers a default set of external interfaces, including a 'BulkScan' interface to be used for bulk scanning. Your practice may need to modify or add a new interface definition, if the provided definition does not work.

There is nothing you need to do during first setup. In the next step, select an Interface of 'Bulkscan' and see if Bp successfully imports files. If all other components are working but Bp will not import files from the nominated folder, contact Bp Support to guide you through modifying the default bulk scan interface.

Set up importing for the external interface

  1. In Bp, select SetupMedicalExternal Interfaces. The Maintain External Interfaces screen will appear.
  2. Maintain External Interfaces for Bulk Scanning

  3. Enter a descriptive Name.
  4. Select 'BulkScan' for the Interface.
  5. Select the Workstation on which the folder containing the files is located.
  6. In the Transfer Folder field, enter the path on the folder that will contain the import files.
  7. Select Patient Matching of 'Internal unique ID' .
  8. Click OK to save changes.

Share the import folder

In Windows, you will need to share the nominated transfer folder and set access permissions so that other Bp workstations can bulk import files. Your IT support can assist with sharing the transfer folder.

  1. Browse to the folder, right-click, and select Properties > Sharing.
  2. Click Advanced Sharing, tick Share this folder, click Permissions, select the user group Everyone and set Full Control to allowed.
  3. Click OK to close the Properties screen.


Last modified: July 2020