You are accessing documentation for myPractice version 4.
Support for this version of myPractice has ended. This documentation is available for reference only.
Please contact our support team on 1300 401 111 about upgrading to the latest version of BpAllied.
View the latest (V7) documentation here.
Version 4

Insert Ribbon

Insert Ribbon

Insert a Page

1. Insert a Page
Put your cursor where the new page is to be inserted
Click to insert the page

Add a Table

2. Add a Table
Put your cursor where the Table is to be inserted
Click on the Table Picture to display the Insert Table dialog box
Select the number of Columns and Rows
Click OK
the table will be inserted
Click on the bottom half of the button and the cell picture displays
and drag to choose the size table to insert
Release the mouse to insert the table

Insert a Picture

3. Insert a Picture
Put your cursor where the picture is to be inserted
Choose to insert your picture either inline or floating
The Open dialog box displays
Find the picture to insert
Click Open
The picture will be inserted
The picture on the left has been inserted using the Inline Picture option and the picture on the right has been inserted using the Picture option

Add a Link

4. Add a Link
A Bookmark is a point within a document that has been named so that hyperlinks can be assigned and used to jump to that location.

To create a new bookmark

Place the cursor at the chosen location, or select the text to mark
Click the Bookmark button
Specify the bookmark name
Click Add
A Hyperlink is a link to another place within a document, file or location within an intranet or on the internet.

To create a hyperlink

Select the text to link
Click the Hyperlink button
Choose either Existing file or webpage
Place in this document
This uses any bookmarks created within the document to link to
Click OK

Add a Header or Footer

5.  Add a Header or Footer
Click Header or Footer to view the Header/Footer portion of the document
Edit as required
When within the Header or Footer the Page Number and Page Count buttons become enabled
To insert either of these
Put your cursor where the field is to be inserted
Click the required button

Add a Text Box

6. Add a Text Box
Put your cursor where the Text Box is to be inserted
Click Text Box
Edit the Text Box as required

Add a Symbol

7. Add a Symbol
Put your cursor where the Symbol is to be inserted
Click on the Symbol button
The Symbol dialog box displays
Use the drop down and scroll bar to find the required symbol
Click OK