Results Grid
Category - The MYOB Account Number is the account that Sales are recorded against.
Item Code - This is a short code that can be used to identify items. In particular, it is used to hold Medicare product or service item numbers which Medicare use as a basis for payment.
Invoice ID - Links to the related invoice. If clicked the invoice displays in the Invoice module.
Accounting Item Code - A unique number to individually identify each product or service - used for the export into MYOB
Invoice Status - E.g. Paid or Awaiting Payment. Based on the statuses available that can be reviewed here.
Client - Client that the item was created for
Practitioner - Name of the Practitioner on the invoice. If there are multiple clients / appointments on the invoice then this will be the Practitioner for the first appointment invoiced.
Location - Name of the location on the invoice. If there are multiple clients / appointments on the invoice then this will be the location for the first appointment invoiced.
Invoice Date - Date of the invoice
GST Code - GST Code as defined for the item export to MYOB or NDIS
Item Quantity - Number of the items charged for
GST (Total) - Amount of GST incurred per item
Sell Price (Total) - The price of the product or service
Item Total - Total price of the product or service including any GST or discounts and quantity variations as applicable.