You are accessing documentation for Bp Allied version 6. This is not the latest version of Bp Allied.
Support for this product will cease on 1 February 2021

Add Referral window

This Add Referral window is accessed via the Add New Client Window and also via the Edit Appointment form. Adding a New Referral to an existing client is done via the Referrals tab in Client Details.
The Referred by (Client) field has been removed from this section and can be added as a separate field via the Customise Layout option.
Add Referral window

Referral Date

1. Referral Date
Add the date on the Referral
The date displays defaults to today
A date is required

Referral Number

2. Referral Number
Add a referral number (optional)

Number of Visits

3. Number of Visits
Add the number of visits the referral is for (optional)    
Additional Referral details can be added via the Client Details form.

Choose an Existing Referrer

4. Choose an Existing Referrer
If the Referrer already exists, select the Referrer from the drop down list

Add a New Referrer

5. Add a New Referrer
If the Referrer is New, click the Add new Referrer radio button
The New Referrer fields will be displayed
Enter in Title (optional)
Enter in First Name, Last Name and Provider ID (required)
  Additional Referrer details can be added via Data Maintenance > Referrers

Add button

6. Add button
Click Add to add and save the referral details    

Cancel button

7. Cancel button
Click Cancel to exit from adding referral information to the Client