You are accessing documentation for Bp Allied version 6. This is not the latest version of Bp Allied.
Support for this product will cease on 1 February 2021

QG - Add a Client to the Wait List

In the Appointment Book
From the right-hand menu, select Waiting List
The Waiting List screen will display
Click in the Client field in the "Click here to add a new row" row to begin entering a client to your waiting list
Tab to move between each field
Client (required): Choose the client by either, using the drop down list and scrolling down the Client List
Start typing the clients name to see a shortened version of the Client List
Day of the Week: Select the day(s) of the week the client can attend an appointment by ticking the options in the drop down list
Time of the day: Select the time period for which the client can attend an appointment by ticking the options in the drop down list.
Location: Select the Location(s) where the client can attend an appointment by ticking the options in the drop down list.
Practitioner: Select the Practitioner(s) the client wishes to see.
Notes: Add any additional details specific to the client on the waiting list.
Create Appointment: Click the Create Appointment button to create a New Appointment for the client displayed on the waiting list.
Remove: Click the Remove the button to remove the client from the waiting list. This needs to be manually done once an appointment is created.
Phone Icon: Click the phone icon to see the clients phone contact details
Click here to see the full details on the Waiting List.
See Grouping, Filtering and Sorting for more details on how to use filter fields.