This article explains how to create and invoice claims for Accredited Employers and Private Insurers.
A work related injury claim for a patient that is employed by an ACC Accredited Employer will be billed to the employer or private insurer, linked to the Accredited Employer in the Organisation profile.
Create an accredited employer claim
- Open the appointment book and create a New Appointment.
- Select Link or create a condition.
- Select the Claim Condition type and toggle the Referred in switch to Yes.
- Enter the Insurer and select a Status for the claim.
- Click Save and start the consult.
- In the Clinical record, select ACC45 from the docked tabs at the bottom of the screen.
- Expand the Accident & employment details card.
- Select Yes for Is the accident related to work?
- In the Employment section, complete the required fields. Employment details linked in the patient's profile will populate here.
- When the ACC45 is completed and the consult is Finalised, navigate back to the appointment book.
TIP For new claims, ACC - Accident Compensation Corporation can be left as the Insurer when selecting New Condition, and later updated to an ACC Accredited Private Insurer when entering the ACC45 employment details.
Invoice an accredited employer
- When the Consult is Finalised, navigate to the appointment book.
- Right-click on the appointment and select Invoice.
- If the appointment type has default fees set, they will populate on the invoice.
- The Subsidy will be Charged to the Private Insurer, with details in Bill to section of the invoice.
- Select Remove to delete an item from an invoice.
- Save the Invoice.
- Select Accredited Billing from the Finance menu.
- Select the invoice and click Email.
- Select the invoice again and click Mark sent.
TIP If the Accredited Employer or Private Insurer are covering the patient surcharge, a Non-Standard Fee must be created for the full cost of treatment (FCT).
Accredited employer payments
Payments for claims managed though accredited employers will need to be performed manually.
- Go to Finance.
- Select the Accredited billing tab.
- Select the invoice to be reconciled.
- Select the Pay button.
- Enter the payment details and select Save to process payment and close the screen.
What do I do next? | Related topics
Last updated: 13 September 2024