Understanding Reports

This article explains how to set up and use reports available in Bp Omni.

To access reports in Bp Omni, select Reports from the top toolbar, or go to Menu > Reports.

Reports top toolbar

Allow user access to reports

You must log in as a user with the security role of Owner, Administrator, or Practice Manager to access all reports and share reports with other users in the Practice.

  1. Select your profile icon in the top-right corner of the menu bar and select Settings. The Users screen will appear.
  2. Enter the user name in the search box, and click to edit.
  3. Enter the user's business roles and set security permissions to allow access to reports.
  4. Click Save.

You can edit a user's roles via their user profile.

See Configure Business Roles and Security Permissions for more information.

Report types

There are four different types of reports in Bp Omni. Use the search bar to find a report or select a report from the menu options.

Access to all report types is granted to users who have the security roles of Owner, Administrator, or Practice Manager. Users with less privileged security roles will only be able to see My Reports and Public Reports.

My reports

My reports are only viewable by the user who saved them. They are reports that have been saved from either Preset or Public reports. They are not available publicly.

My reports can be created by users without administration permissions by saving a public report, and by users with administration permissions by saving a public, Preset report.

My reports can be deleted.

Public reports

Public Reports are reports that have been saved from Preset reports, and have been made public when saved.

Public reports are available to users without administration permissions, and can be deleted.

Preset reports

Preset reports are a collection of reports created by Best Practice Software. Preset report categories include:

  • Aged debtors
  • Appointment
  • Billing
  • Patient/Client
  • Payment.

Only administrators can view Preset reports.

Summary reports

Summary reports are available for Invoices and Payments. Table data cannot be customised or saved into My reports.

Report management

Filtering and customisable table options can be applies and saved for Preset, Public and My reports. The filtering options available will depend on which report is used.

Report filtering options

A timestamp of when the report data was last updated can be found in the bottom left corner of the Reports screen.

Report last refreshed timestamp

Public and My reports

Filtering and customised table options applied to a Preset report can be saved to:

  • Public reports - Available for all users.
  • My reports - Available only to the creator.

Public reports can also be restricted so that the provider accessing the report can only see information relevant to them.

  1. Click Save As or click the down arrow beside Save and select Save a copy . The New report screen will appear.
  2. Save filtering and customisation to a new report

  3. Enter a Report name.
  4. Tick or untick the Public checkbox:
    • If you only want the report to be available to you, ensure Public is unticked and click Save. The saved report will appear in the My reports section.
    • If you want the report to be available to other staff members, tick Public. If the report contains appointment, billing, or payment information, the Row Visibility menu will appear.

  5. If the Row Visibility menu appears, select whether the person viewing the report will be able to see all rows, or just the rows related to the logged in provider.
  6. Click Save. The saved report will appear in the Public Reports section or the My reports section depending on which option was selected.

Export, save or delete a report

Function buttons to export, save, or delete reports can be accessed from the top right-hand corner of the Reports screen. These options are not available for Summary reports.

Update or save a copy of a public report

See the table below for a full list of function buttons. All exported files are saved to your local Downloads folder.


Report type



Payment and Billing Preset reports, Public reports.

Creates .csv file to be imported into Xero. See Exporting Reports to Xerofor more details.


My reports, Public reports, Preset reports.

Creates PDF document.


My reports, Public reports, Preset reports.

Creates .xlsx document to open in Excel.


My reports, Public reports.

Saves updates made to filters and table customisation in the current report.

Save a copy

My reports, Public reports.

Saves a new copy of the current report.

Save as

Preset reports.

Saves a copy of the current Preset report including filters and table customisation. Report can be saved as a Public or My report.


My reports, Public reports.

Deletes the current report.

NOTE The ability to Save or Delete Public and My reports will depend on user access. See Configure Business Roles and Security Permissions for more information.

Summary reports

Summary reports include the Invoice and Patient summary. These reports:

  • Cannot be saved into Public or My reports.
  • Cannot be customised.
  • Cannot be exported to Xero or Excel.

Invoice summary report

See the table Further filtering options for a full list of options available for Summary reports.

Report Dashboards

Report dashboards display a variation of graphs that can be filtered by clicking on the recorded graph data.

Patient dashboard reports

Related topics

Last updated 23 April 2024




