BeInTheKnow: Digital Communications

This article includes the questions asked by Bp Premier users during the BeInTheKnow: Digital Communications session delivered by Best Practice Software on 28 November 2023.



I cannot send an internal message to one of my colleagues. How to fix it?

  1. From the main screen, select Setup > Users. The Users screen will appear.
  2. Select the user from the list and click Edit. The Edit user details screen will appear.
  3. Click Set Permissions. The Permissions screen will appear.
  4. Messages must be set to Allowed.

See User Permissions for more information.

I have a staff member that cannot send SMS messages. How can I fix it?

  1. From the main screen, select Setup > Users. The Users screen will appear.
  2. Select the user from the list and click Edit. The Edit user details screen will appear.
  3. Click Set Permissions. The Permissions screen will appear.
  4. Send Bp Comms Messages must be set to Allowed.

See User Permissions for more information.

Can I send a letter that’s not a referral using secure messaging?


What if my practice wants to use an online service to send SMS for Appointments, but send SMS in Bp for recalls?

It’s totally ok. Bp Premier has partnerships with different online platforms that provide messaging services. They integrate with Bp, and it is up to your practice to decide and use what suits your workflow best.

Can I send investigation requests via email?

All request forms are printed out by default. If your practice has eOrdering configured, the requests will be electronically sent to the labs.

Does it cost extra to enable the email functionality?


Can I configure the outgoing email text?

  1. Yes. Log into the Bp Premier as a user with access to the Setup > Configuration screen.
  2. From the main screen, select Setup > Configuration > Email.
  3. Add your custom outgoing email text. All emails will be sent with the information entered here.

See Configure Bp Premier to Use Email for more information.

Can I edit the outgoing email text individually?

Unfortunately not.

Can I email the investigation results to my patient?

Since you can send correspondence from the Word Processor, there is a workaround you can use by populating the letter with the Investigation report merging field and sending it via email.

When using the workaround to email investigation reports, can we hand-pick which results to send via email?

Absolutely. From the Word processor, you can include information from test results using the merge field under Clinical > Investigation reports when writing the letter or in the template.

Hi, we are having issues using Microsoft 365 for Outgoing Email in Bp Premier; this appears to be Microsoft's fault. Do you have any resources on this?

This is something that is being worked on. Stay tuned.

Do we need consent to access the patient's MySL record?

Yes, you need to gain consent from the patient and meet the software prerequisites.

See Using My Script List (MySL) for more information.

Can I have the link to the Cybersecurity eLearning course?

Absolutely. Please email us at, and we can forward you the link.

Where does it print Regulation 49 on the 60-day scripts?

The (one supply) notation is printed next to quantity and repeats.

Is it possible to add a signature to medical certificates before emailing them to patients?

Yes. You can insert an image of your signature into the document. See Add a signature to word processor documents for more information.

I have some practices asking about sending patient information to their patient. Is it best to recommend they download and use the app?

The app is a great alternative. Practices should consider their workflows and patient demographics to decide on the best contact method. See Best Health App FAQ for more information.

Last updated: 05 December 2023.




