These release notes describe the changes made to Bp Premier since Orchid build
Release Date |
31 July 2023 |
Release version |
Bp Premier version Orchid SP1 ( |
Notes last updated |
28 July 2023 |
What is in this release? |
This release includes clinical enhancements described in New Features. |
Which version can I upgrade from? |
You can upgrade to version Orchid SP1 from Bp Premier version Saffron SP2 ( or later. To check the current program version that you have installed, select Help > About. |
Which data update do I need? |
You must install the May 2023 Data Update or later before you can upgrade to version However, Best Practice Software recommend making sure you have the most recent Data Update installed before you run a program upgrade. |
Which database and operating system versions are supported? |
Windows operating system Windows 10 or higher is supported. Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and higher is supported. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and higher is supported. |
When should I upgrade? |
Best Practice Software recommend running the program upgrade outside of business hours. |
How do I upgrade? |
Brief upgrade instructions are included in this document. |
Upgrade to Orchid SP1
You must have the May 2023 data update or later installed before you upgrade to
- Back up your Bp Premier database before running the upgrade.
- Synchronise all workstations in remote database mode with the Bp Premier server before you upgrade.
- Download and run the latest Drug Update on your Bp Premier server computer.
- Log all users out of the server and all clients before you upgrade.
- Download and run the update on your server and all clients.
- Log back in to Bp Premier and resume use.
Upgrade notes
Changes in Funding to Electronic Prescriptions
The Orchid SP1 release contains important conformance changes to the national Prescription Delivery Service (PDS), which commenced on 1st July 2023.
To continue to prescribe eligible medications, sites must upgrade to Orchid SP1, register all prescribers with eRx Script Exchange, and configure each prescriber in Bp Premier to use eRx prior to the deadline of 30th September, 2023.
Legacy eOrdering set up functionality has been removed
The legacy eOrdering functionality will be removed entirely in Bp Premier Orchid Service Pack 1. In this version, legacy eOrder labs will no longer generate eOrders. eOrdering providers must be configured in the Setup E-Ordering screen accessed via View Contacts > Setup E-ordering.
When upgrading the Bp Premier database server to Orchid SP1, a message will appear indicating that the legacy eOrdering set up functionality is no longer available. You must acknowledge the message to proceed with the installation.
When upgrading the Bp Premier database server to Orchid SP1, if your practice has existing eOrdering contacts configured via the legacy method, you will be prompted to log in and the Existing E-Order Contacts Detected screen will appear. You must merge your existing eOrdering contacts with the eOrdering providers available through the new eOrdering set up functionality.
If you choose not to merge eOrdering contacts during the upgrade process, you can choose to do this within Bp Premier. See Set up Pathology eOrdering and Set up Imaging eOrdering for more information.
Additional Information
- For any contacts you wish to merge in the list of 'Existing E-Order Contacts', you will need to merge before choosing the Close button.
- Once any existing contacts have been merged, the matching provider from the 'Available Providers to merge with' list will be removed from the list. The 'Configured Providers' list in the background will not be refreshed during this process.
- The Save button in the background is not used. Choosing the close button closes the Existing E-Order Contacts Detected window and exists the merge process.
- For additional changes regarding favourite tests, layouts, updated export paths, etc., refer to Set up Pathology eOrdering and Set up Imaging eOrdering for more information.
MySL System Requirements
For Bp Premier to support MySL functionality, your practice must be using a supported operating system and environment:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 is required.
- In accordance with eRx's security policy, your Windows OS must be Windows 10 or Server 2016 or later.
- If your Practice uses MediSecure for eScripts, you must use version 2.5.19 or later of the MediSecure adaptor.
- The MediSecure adaptor version can be found by opening the MediSecure Adaptor Application on the Bp Premier Server and clicking the About tab; the version will be displayed in installation information. Contact MediSecure Support if you do not have adaptor version 2.5.19 or later.
See MySL System Requirements for more information.
Where do I find more information?
Selectfrom the main screen of Bp Premier or select Help > Online from Bp Premier to open the Knowledge Base from any main screen toolbar.
New Features
Upload Advance Care Planning Documents to My Health Record
Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the process of establishing and documenting one's medical care preferences if one cannot make decisions in the future due to illness, injury, or disability.
A new menu item in the Patient Clinical Record has been added to My Health Record > Upload Advance Care Planning. Users with My Health Record Access permission set to Allow Access can view and upload Advance Care Planning documents.
My Script List (MySL)
My Script List (MySL) is an optional service that enables patients and their chosen healthcare providers to view a comprehensive list of their dispensable prescriptions.
Using an assisted registration process, Pharmacists can enrol patients in the service and Providers can request access to view the patient's MySL record.
Improvements to eReferral management
In Orchid SP1, additional menu buttons have been included to streamline the management of eReferrals. Users can efficiently handle unacknowledged or negatively acknowledged eReferrals by marking them as contacted or no longer required.
Display the Provider’s payment details on Invoices
In Orchid SP1, provider payment details can be displayed at the bottom of their Invoices. Only one bank account number per provider may be selected to appear on all invoices.
Modern Authentication (OAuth2.0) supported for Microsoft 365 integration
Modern Authentication, also known as OAuth2.0, is the new and secure method for connecting your Microsoft 365 Outlook email account to Bp Premier. Microsoft has discontinued Basic authentication for Exchange Online protocols.
This change is being made to enhance security and provide a more robust authentication process for their customers. To ensure this change does not impact Bp Premier customers, we have implemented Microsoft's OAuth2.0 token-based authentication.
Resend failed eOrders in Investigation Requests
Three new columns have been added to the View > Investigation Requests screen:
- The eOrder column will contain a yes or no value to indicate whether the investigation request was sent as an eOrder.
- The eOrder created on column will show the date and time the eOrder was sent and a failed status for any that did not export.
- The barcode column will display the barcode that appears on the eOrder.
Any eOrders that failed to export can be resent by right-clicking on the investigation request and selecting Resend.
Set HTML in the Body of outgoing emails
In Orchid SP1, custom text can be added to the body of outgoing emails in HTML format.
The limit for custom HTML outgoing email text is 2000 characters.
If set, outgoing email text will be added to the body of all emails sent from the practice and cannot be changed for each provider.
You may wish to use outgoing email text to include information in your emails such as:
- practice details (address, phone number, email. address)
- privacy disclaimer
- a 'no reply' message, for example: 'This email address is not monitored. If you need to contact us, please call us on 07 xxxx xxxx.'
Enhanced patient search
Enhanced Patient Search is now available in the following screens:
- HealthLink Smart Forms, View > HealthLink Forms > New Form.
- Appointment Book > Billing > Process payments (Ctrl + F5) or Main Screen > Management > Process Payment (Ctrl + F5).
In Orchid SP1, you can search for Patients using a forward slash or full stops as separators. For example, DD.MM or DD/MM.
Healthlink form enhancements
Parked Healthlink forms can now be accessed from Correspondence out in the patient record. Double-click the form or select the form and click View to open it. You will have the option to continue to edit the form or submit it.
Also, when the word processor is opened from the patient record, clicking the Healthlink form icon in the word processor now opens the list of available Healthlink forms.
Other enhancements
Bp Function |
Release Notes |
Key |
Best Health Booking |
When a Provider starts a visit with a patient who has unmatched patient record, they will be prompted with the Match Patient screen. Providers will have the option to match the patient. However, if they close the screen, the user will be prompted with “A new patient record has been created, as the demographic details provided via an online booking did not match your patient database”. |
71321 |
Best Health Booking |
The Match Patient screen was developed to accommodate patients who schedule appointments through Best Health Booking but who are unable to be matched with an existing patient in Bp Premier. Users have the option to manually review and match patients or create a new patient record. |
69663 |
Best Health Booking |
A new red silhouette icon has been added to the appointment type to make it easier to identify unmatched patients in the appointment book. |
71115 |
PrOS |
A new icon |
70271 |
Online Claiming |
Before sending claims to Medicare, Bp Premier will now pre-validate Service Text when text is added to Service Details to check for invalid characters. |
68833 |
Online Claiming |
The Correlation ID can be copied to the clipboard for Medicare and DVA batches. |
71475 |
Enhanced Patient Search |
Users can use full stops as separators when searching for a Patient by date of birth. |
71431 |
Billing |
Multiple users will no longer be able to record payments against the same invoice due to the implementation of new safeguards. If another user opens the invoice at the same time and attempts to pay it, they will now be prompted with the message ‘Some details on the invoice have changed. Please reload the account window in order to view the updated invoice details’. |
70774 |
Bank Accounts |
Provider's payment information can now be displayed at the bottom of their Invoices. |
71555 |
Advance Care Planning |
Advance Care Planning documents have a minimum set of data requirements; if My Health Record > Upload Advance Care Planning determines the document does not meet minimum data requirements, a prompt will display outlining which fields are missing. Mandatory fields include:
69868 |
Advance Care Planning |
In Setup > Configuration > Lists, a new document type has been added to cater for Advance Care Planning documents. |
69865 |
Advance Care Planning |
The Patient Clinical Record has a new menu item under My Health Record > Upload Advance Care Planning. Selecting this will launch a new Advance Care Planning window where they can choose an Advance Care Planning document to upload and input any necessary metadata. Users whose My Health Record access permissions are set to Allowed Access can access this menu item. |
69867 69869 70333
My Health Record |
A new warning has been added to the top of the My Health Record Document List window advising users, "Some documents may contain attachments. My Health Record System operator makes no guarantees as to the safety of file content uploaded by third parties. Individuals and healthcare providers download and display the attachment at their own risk." |
69870 |
My Health Record |
When transmitting to My Health Record, the <productVersion> in the SOAP message now equals 1.12.1. |
70539 |
My Health Record |
The Shared Health Summary preview attestation wording has been updated to the following: By uploading this Shared Health Summary, I attest that I am a Nominated Health Care Provider for this patient as defined by the My Health Records Act 2012. |
70823 |
Bp Email |
To prevent Bp Premier from freezing, hanging, or generating callstack error when sending emails, we've incorporated a 30-second timeout period. This allows users to retry sending emails or cancel and try again later. |
72294 |
Bp Email |
A new ‘Use HTML Body’ check box has been added to Setup > Configuration > Email. If selected, any email sent from Bp Premier will have a HTML body. Outgoing email text must be less than 2000 characters long. |
70228 |
Bp Email |
Users who have both a personal SMTP email account and a practice SMTP email account will see both accounts listed in the Use Account drop downs in the Bp Email screens. |
70227 |
ePrescribing |
A feature toggle has been implemented to ensure that eScript SMS are sent using eRx as opposed to Bp Comms. |
72541 |
ePrescribing |
When eRx is used for SMS eScripts, unused SMS eScript message credits are hidden in Setup > Configuration > Bp Comms and the appointment book. |
72542 |
ePrescribing |
When sending eScripts via eRx, the <ItemStrength> payload field will be populated with N/A if the drug does not have strength available. |
71354 |
ePrescribing |
Drugs prescribed by Trade name (Print Brand Name selected or Item on LEMI) will have the value "B" populated in ItemGenericIntention of the eRx payload. Drugs prescribed as Ingredient/Generic will have the value "G" populated in ItemGenericIntention of the eRx payload. |
71125 |
ePrescribing |
71213 |
ePrescribing |
On printed prescriptions and eScripts with a recorded reason for prescription, the corresponding SNOMED code will be transmitted in the PES payload. |
67546 |
ePrescribing |
Patient Instructions and Route Administration are now mandatory eScript fields. |
71441 |
ePrescribing |
The eRx and MediSecure conformance IDs stored in the database will be updated upon the execution of Update Database. |
64033 |
ePrescribing |
When sending an eScript, the user will get a warning if the Directions or Route fields for a drug are left blank. They can then select yes to update the script, the drug in question is the one that will open to be edited. |
71789 |
ePrescribing |
For eScripts sent via eRx, we will add and populate the EPresUniqueNumber> field within the ETPIdentifiers> segment with the SCID of the eScript. |
71545 |
ePrescribing |
eScripts marked with a send to pharmacy flag will be prevented from being sent via Email or SMS to the patient. Pharmacy flags include the following:
71442 |
MediSecure |
The Practice can now configure the Minor ID that will be utilised when connecting to MySL. |
70717 |
MySL |
A new preference, Enable MySL status check on opening patient record, has been added to Main screen > Setup > Preferences > Prescribing. |
70715 |
MySL |
The Patient has the option to have eScript tokens sent directly to their MySL account. However, this is only possible if the Prescriber has access to view the Patient's MySL record. |
70716 |
MySL |
Prescriptions for which the prescriber specifies that the pharmacy must hold the prescription by selecting Dosing Point, Staged Supply, Repeat on File (Only available if location = Tasmania), or Direction (Only available if using MediSecure) will not be uploaded to MySL. |
67547 |
MySL |
All connections to MySL will be logged in the database so that there is a complete audit trail of who has accessed the MySL record of a patient. |
70710 |
MySL |
If MySL experiences a connection issue when the View MySL button is pressed, a timeout message will be displayed to alert the user that an error has occurred. |
71219 |
MySL |
eRx: If the Urgent supply (Owing script) check box is ticked in the New RX workflow, the Consent to upload to the ASL check box will be automatically disabled and unticked. When generating a paper token, we will include MySLConsent=N in the eScript payload. MediSecure: If the Urgent supply (Owing script) check box is ticked in the New RX workflow, the Consent to upload to the ASL check box will be automatically disabled and unticked. When generating a paper token, we will include <ASLConsent>=False in the eScript payload. |
71911 |
MySL |
Updated the MySL date column from Date Prescribed to the Date Created. |
72564 |
Prescribing |
71215 |
Healthlink Forms |
Patients can now be searched for using enhanced patient search functionality when creating new HealthLink Smart Forms (View > HealthLink Forms > New Form). |
68589 |
Tarb-Ex Utility |
The Tarb-Ex Utility has been updated to include the University of Notre Dame’s New Query. Patients must have a Corrected Dutch Lipid score of 5 or higher for users to save the data to a .CSV file. |
71454 |
eOrdering |
Three new columns have been added to View > Investigation Requests to assist in managing investigation requests. The eOrder column contains a yes or no value to indicate whether the investigation request was sent as an eOrder. The eOrder created on column will show the date and time the eOrder was sent and a failed status for any that did not send. Barcode |
54001 |
eOrdering |
The Practice Manager and Principal Doctor will now receive an internal notification if an eOrder fails to send. |
54004 |
eOrdering |
eOrders that have failed to send can be resent from View > Investigation requests screen. |
54003 |
eOrdering |
If the eOrder path is a shared path on another computer, users will be prompted to correctly configure the Bp Messaging Service. |
69655 |
eOrdering |
When the user clicks the Add button in Setup > eOrdering, if the laboratory has a potential duplicate lab that is already a contact (both eOrdering and non-eOrdering labs), the potential duplicates window will be displayed, allowing the user to either create a new lab or merge with selected labs. |
69563 |
Bp Samples Database |
Updated text on the Samples Database Recovery prompt to indicate that the issue should not impact the Practice's day-to-day operations. They can continue to use Bp Premier and contact Support at their convenience to remedy the issue. |
70113 |
Installer |
During the installation of Bp Premier, users will be prompted to contact Support if the Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) could not be installed. |
69654 |
Update Database |
Update database.exe, which is performed after the completion of a data update, program update, or full installation, now runs efficiently regardless of whether Bp Premier is installed in the default or a non-default location, and all necessary functions are executed. |
71422 |
Bug fixes
Bp Function |
Release Notes |
Key |
Provider Inbox |
When there are no results to action, clicking finish in the Provider Inbox will no longer produce an error. Callstack indicator:
69123 |
Patient Enhanced Search |
Addresses containing a forward slash / in the address line can now be searched. |
71833 |
Patient Enhanced Search |
When searching for a Patient with their full Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY), only patients with matching Date of Birth values are displayed. |
71786 |
Patient Enhanced Search |
When the Record Number search option is selected, only the patient's record number, regardless of its length, is searched for. When the Medicare/IHI number search option is selected, only patients with that Medicare/IHI Number, regardless of the number length, are searched for. |
71646 |
Bp Samples Database |
Production database results are no longer returned when conducting a database search in BP Samples; only Bp Samples database information is displayed. |
71726 |
User Permissions |
Users with View Only permissions to Clinical Notes can no longer amend old notes. |
58068 |
Waiting Room |
When completing a visit that began in the waiting room, if the appointment was booked in the 'Resource' column, such as Nurse, and the current user is not the user for whom the appointment was booked, a prompt will appear asking whether the appointment should be moved to the User's column or left in the Resource column. Users who are the intended biller, for example, Bill to Dr, must click Yes on the prompt. |
64492 |
Automatic Data Update |
If an error occurs during the monthly Data Update installation, it is now logged in the relevant error log file. |
72117 |
National Inpatient Medication Chart |
Administration times are now correctly populated in the National Inpatient Medication Chart. |
58358 |
BP Utilities |
When contacts are exported to a directory containing the word contacts, the BPS Contact details.xml file is successfully exported. Callstack indicator:
41056 |
BP Utilities |
Patients whose surnames contain an apostrophe can now be searched in the merge patient restore utility. Callstack indicator:
61208 |
Bulk Document Import |
The Bulk Document Importer (BDI) will no longer generate an error when multiple files with combined file names longer than 300 characters are selected for import. A more detailed prompt will be presented. |
59241 |
Bulk Document Import |
If issues are encountered importing documents directly into Correspondence In, Correspondence Out, or via the Bulk Document Import Utility, a toggle can be used to disable file compression. |
71875 |
Merge Patient Search |
Merge Patient Search now supports searching for patients by mobile number, home phone, address, and email by adding a '@' symbol to the search text, e.g. 'te@' for |
70550 |
Appointment Types |
Recall appointment types will display a ‘Recall’ Notification in the patient clinical record when starting a visit, regardless of where they are booked in Bp Premier. |
64537 |
Word Processor |
When using the 'Referring Dr' autofill fields in the word processor, a fatal callstack is no longer generated if no referral is attached. Callstack indicator:
71650 |
Word Processor |
When users try to add an unsupported file type to an RTF word processor document, an on-screen prompt will appear when they click print or preview print to inform them that the file type was not added to the document. Callstack indicator:
64954 |
Subpoena Tool |
When using the Subpoena Tool to export to PDF, prescription information is listed correctly. |
67761 |
Bp Email |
When a new mail server is configured in Bp Email, the password is correctly encrypted and decrypted when the user saves or tests the connection. |
68177 |
Bp Email |
When sending an email from BP with ':' in the subject line, errors will no longer occur. Callstack indicator:
71727 |
Patient Billing History |
When creating a new account, the fee to charge field is correctly populated with the correct fee when the user varies an item. |
68548 |
Patient Billing History |
Resolved an issue in which the location for a recorded payment appears correct when initially recording it but displays incorrectly when viewing it. We enhanced the payment view window to display the correct location even if a location has been deleted. |
58374 |
DVA Fees |
If a DVA Annual Veterans Health Check item is added to a Patient's account, the appropriate incentive will be added automatically. |
69709 |
eOrdering |
In the Setup > eOrdering window, searching for favourite tests is no longer case-sensitive; the query will return the relevant test names. |
69484 |
eOrdering |
When two or more eOrdering providers with the same NATA code are configured for eOrdering, modifying one of the providers through the Setup E-Ordering utility no longer generates an error. |
72133 |
eOrdering |
When selecting the ‘Use again’ option for Imaging or Pathology eOrder requests that were previously completed for a Pathology or Imaging contact that has since been merged, the previously chosen tests will be correctly populated. |
70354 |
Bp Service |
Bp Service will no longer stop immediately if it is unable to write to the event log. |
62290 |
MWS Log Utility |
When viewing transmission details in the 'View MWS log' utility, the transmission payload is displayed in its entirety, with no text truncated. |
69197 |
Bp Comms |
SMS messages can be sent and received correctly for each schedule when multiple appointment reminder schedules are set up to run simultaneously. |
69853 |
TX Control |
TX Control now gracefully handles an error that prevented Bp Premier from displaying a rare corrupted document type. Callstack indicator:
70873 |
Online Claiming |
Programmatic changes have been made to support the claiming of MBS item 294 in the Finalise visit screen. |
70977 |
Online Claiming |
When performing a check for payments, Bp Premier will correctly cater for responses with missing payment reports. |
71083 |
Online Claiming |
When payments are saved to the database, the DVA check for payments logic now uses the correct LocationID. |
70309 |
Online Claiming |
Resolved an issue where Medicare service text pre-validation incorrectly flagged '=' before sending to Medicare. |
71689 |
Online Claiming |
'Statement of claim & benefit' and 'Lodgement Advice' forms generated for providers with multiple provider numbers for billing purposes will display the correct provider number based on the selected location. |
71126 |
My Health Record |
Background HI Validation checks performed upon opening a patient record will no longer generate an error in the BPS Error log where the Patients.IHIStatus is set to NULL. |
70840 |
Patient Import-Export Utility |
Using the 'Patient import-export utility', patients can be exported from Bp Premier using a list generated from a database search. |
71457 |
Patient Clinical Record |
Investigation results that have been moved from 'Investigations' to 'Correspondence In' will retain the original investigation header information. |
71124 |
Patient Clinical Record |
Viewing historical BMI or Observations Data that don't include height and/or weight values no longer results in an error. Callstack indicator:
71683 |
Patient Clinical Record |
Resolved an issue that allowed free-text conditions to be linked to a coded TermID on the Reason for Visit and Past History windows. |
72190 |
Patient Clinical Record |
When modifying a previous Health Assessment, Bp Premier will append the new Health Assessment data to the current user's notes without overwriting them. |
71308 |
Medicare Web Services |
The memory leak issue encountered during the OPV verification process initiated from either the ‘Create Account’ section of the account details or the ‘Online Patient Verification’ right-click option in the Appointment Book has been resolved. |
70874 |
Banking |
Duplicate Banking Batches can no longer be created; when accessing Management > Banking (or using the shortcut Ctrl + F7), a check is made to see if an instance of this window is open or if a user has opened the window on another computer and a prompt will be shown. |
65189 |
Known issues
Bp Function |
Issue |
Fixed In |
Key |
My Health Record |
When uploading a Shared Health Summary to My Health Record, an error message will be displayed if a Medical History item with no recorded date is selected. Error: An error occurred sending the Shared Health Summary! Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1. Workaround: To be included on a Shared Health Summary, a Medical History item must include an estimated or actual date when the problem or diagnosis began, as indicated or identified by the clinician.
Orchid SP2 |
73912 |
My Health Record |
When uploading an Advance Care Planning document to My Health Record, if you click to view the attachment when previewing the document, Bp Premier will display an error indicating that the document cannot be found. This issue only affects Terminal Server Environments and only impacts viewing the attachment; the Advance Care Planning document and attachment will upload to My Health Record correctly. |
Orchid SP2 |
73135 |
My Health Record |
An issue has been identified when attempting to display My Health Record documents in the Patient Clinical record. The below My Health Record document types may not display correctly and appear blank:
A recent Microsoft update has enforced an XML document attribute where, if this is missing, the documents will not be rendered correctly. This is impacting Bp Premier’s web browser and other Chromium browsers. The Australian Digital Health Agency will also address this issue at their end and ensure that documents generated from My Health Record can be rendered correctly in Bp Premier. Workaround: Users can access and view the impacted documents directly from the My Health Record portal. Alternatively, users can save, export, and view these outside of Bp Premier:
The issue has been resolved by an external update to Microsoft WebView2. WebView2 will automatically update, and no action is required. |
74188 |
eOrdering |
Laboratories configured for legacy eOrdering that have been merged with enhanced eOrdering contacts, do not retain their laboratory code. Workaround: Best Practice Software recommend noting the Laboratory Code prior to merging legacy eOrdering contacts with enhanced eOrdering contacts, as it will need to be entered again once the merge is complete. |
- |
70882 |
ePrescribing |
For practices using eRx, when resending eScripts from past prescriptions via SMS, the tokens are not sent successfully, and no warning is provided. Workaround: Electronic prescriptions can continue to be resent via Email, the Best Health App, or the token can be printed. |
Orchid SP2 |
73882 |
ePrescribing |
Practices that have upgraded to Orchid SP1 and completed eRx registration and configuration. The following issues impacting a limited number of practices have been identified:
Workaround: Best Practice Software have provided a script that practices who have upgraded to Orchid SP1 can download and run to resolve this issue. See Known Issue: National Prescription Delivery Service and eScript SMS Tokens for more information. |
Orchid SP1 Revision 1 |
73780 / 74023 |
Active Script List (MySL) |
The Consent to upload to ASL check box was added in Bp Premier version Saffron. The check box is set to opt-in by default; therefore, to prevent the drug from being uploaded to ASL, the user must untick this check box. An issue has been identified when represcribing drugs from the Current RX that were created before the upgrade to Bp Premier version Saffron. These drugs are not being uploaded to ASL when the script is printed or sent by eScript. Workaround: Before represcribing the drug in Current Rx:
This will update the ASLConsent field to indicate whether the provider consented to upload to ASL. When represcribing the drug, the correct ASL Consent flag will be applied to all future repeats from this drug record. |
Orchid SP1 Revision 1 |
73992 |
HealthLink Online Forms |
Issue 1: When a Healthlink Online Form link embedded in a viewable document (such as an investigation report) is opened via the Incoming reports or Inbox windows, the Healthlink Online Forms window will continue to re-open every minute. When attempting to close the windows, a fatal callstack error will occur. Callstack Indicator:
CAPP:EXEC Line:21 CBPSAAP:START Line:486 Issue 2: When you open a Healthlink Online Form link embedded in a viewable document (such as an investigation report) via the investigation reports section of the patient clinical record, the Healthlink forms window will display; however, once you close the window, the Healthlink Online Forms window will automatically re-open after a minute and will continue to do so every time the Healthlink Online Forms window is closed until the patient clinical record is closed. |
Not yet resolved. |
74412 |