Record Observations

This article describes how to record Observations in the patient's record.

In Bp Premier version Orchid, you can add multiple observations in a patient's record for a single day.

Record Observations

  1. From the patient record, select Observations from the patient explorer.
  2. Click Add in the top-left of the observations section. The Observations screen will appear.
  3. The first set of observations recorded on a day will have the Primary Observations checkbox ticked and disabled.
  4. TIP   Observations can be backdated, but it is not possible to forward date them.

  5. Enter any required observations and click Save, or click Close to exit without saving.

Record Multiple Observations

  1. To record Multiple Observations, click Add in the top-left of the observations section.
  2. When adding from Observations for the second time on the same day, you will be prompted to ask if you want to edit the Primary Observation. Click Yes to edit the existing set of observations, or click No to enter multiple observations for the day.
  3. The Observations screen will be displayed. The Primary observation checkbox will be unticked when recording multiple daily observations.
  4. Enter any required Observations. To mark the newly recorded observations as the Primary Observations for the day, tick the Primary Observation checkbox. The previously entered observations will not be overwritten, but they will no longer be considered the primary observations for the day.
  5. Click Save Multiple observations (any observations that are not primary observations) added on the same day will be coloured blue.
  6. NOTE  Only Primary observations for the day will be recorded in Today's notes.

Primary observations

If you have multiple observations entered for the day you can nominate a set of observations to be the primary observations.

Only primary observations for the day will save to Today's notes.

Adding observations via other clinical functions in Bp Premier (for example, adding a BMI via Clinical > BMI) will enter the observation into the primary observations column for the day.

When using other clinical functions in Bp Premier which display observation information, depending on the function, either only primary observations will be displayed, or you will have the option to include any multiple observations.

Multiple observations can be used when generating graphs, and you have the option to include multiple observations when viewing previous values for blood pressure and BMI, when adding observations to a word processor document, when adding observations in the subpoena tool, or when using a search query in Utilities > Search that uses observation details.

Other clinical functions will use primary observation details.

Recover Deleted Observations

  1. Deleted primary and multiple observations can be recovered via Utilities > Deleted clinical data.
  2. If you attempt to recover a primary observation for a patient and the time that the primary observation was recorded is different to the time that the existing primary observations in the patient record were recorded, an alert will appear.
  3. Click Yes on the alert to restore the deleted primary observation to the primary observation column, or click No to restore the deleted primary observation as an multiple observation.

Last updated 29 April 2024.




