Moving your installation of Bp Premier from one server machine to another requires planning. You may need to involve your practice's IT support.
These instructions assume that you are working in a conventional server environment, and not a terminal server.
Complete the steps in each section in the order listed below:
Some tasks require you to open a separate knowledge base topic. Right-click a link and select Open in new tab, or click with the middle mouse button to open knowledge base topics in a new browser tab.
Before migrating Bp Premier to the new server, contact the Bp Premier Support Team at to notify them of your intention to migrate servers.
Some tasks may require additional steps; for example, when migrating Halo Link to a new server.
Complete the steps in the order listed below:
- Obtain the Bp Premier installation media
- Obtain the latest drug update
- Prepare to migrate Halo Link to the new server
- Record link information
- Record results import information
- Record messaging providers
- Record scanning information
- Remove the B2B Device from Bp Premier and PRODA
- eRx Script exchange
Obtain the Bp Premier installation media
Bp Premier installation requires administrator permissions to install software and configure Windows components.
To install Bp Premier on the new server, you will require ISO file (which is a disc image file) for the latest version of Bp Premier.
If you have access to an older version of Bp Premier's installation DVD (ISO file), you can use that ISO file to install Bp Premier on the new server. After installing the ISO file, you should perform a program update to upgrade to the most recent version of Bp Premier.
If you do not already have an ISO file for Bp Premier, contact Bp Premier Support to obtain one.
To check the version of Bp Premier in use at the practice, log into Bp Premier and select Help > About.
Obtain the latest drug update
Download the latest drug update from the Best Practice Software website:
- Open the Best Practice Software website in a browser.
- Select Resources > Bp Premier Downloads from the menu.
- Under the Data Updates section, click the Data Update type for the month you need to install. The row will expand to show the update details.
- Click Download to download the .exe file to the default Downloads folder, or right-click the Download button and select Save link as... or Save target as... to download the file to a known location.
In most cases, the latest comprehensive drug update will be sufficient. However, if you are using an older version of Bp Premier, this will depend upon which version of the Best Practice installation DVD you have. If you are unsure which drug database to download, contact Best Practice Support or email
Prepare to migrate Halo Link to the new server
When migrating a server, you must contact Halo Connect to reconfigure the Halo Link instance associated with your Site ID. Failure to do so may result in integrations querying the incorrect server or being unable to query your practice at all.
NOTE To minimise downtime, Halo Connect suggest contacting them ahead of time so they can be ready to restore services as quickly as possible.
See Migrate Halo Link to the new server for more information.
Record link information
- Open Bp Premier and select Setup > Configuration from the main screen.
- Select the Links tab and save a screen capture or make a note of all entries.
Record results import information
- Open Bp Premier and select Setup > Configuration from the main screen.
- Select the Results Import tab and save a screen capture or make a note of all settings.
Record messaging providers
- Open Bp Premier and select Setup > Configuration.
- Select the Messaging tab.
- Double click on each messaging provider listed and make a screen capture or make a note of all the entries.
Record scanning information
This step does not apply if your practice does not use a document scanner.
- From the main screen of Bp Premier, open a patient record.
- Select Patient Visit > Correspondence In, and click Scan. The Scan document screen will appear.
- Make a note of the default settings (such as the DPI setting).
Remove the B2B Device from Bp Premier and PRODA
NOTE These steps will need to be performed on your old server.
To remove a device from Bp Premier:
- From the Bp Premier home screen, select Setup > Configuration. The Configuration screen will appear.
- Select the PRODA icon on the left hand side of the screen.
- If your practice has multiple locations, ensure the correct minor ID has been selected from the Minor ID field.
- Click Remove Device. An alert will appear.
- Click Yes on the alert to remove the device.
- From the Windows desktop, select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
- Within the Windows Services screen, locate the Best Practice PRODA Service, right click and choose Properties.
Stop the service, then in the Startup Type drop down box, choose Disabled.
The device will now be removed from Bp Premier, but not from PRODA. To remove a device from PRODA:
- Access the PRODA login page.
- Enter your PRODA user name and password, and select Login. A verification code will be sent to you as an email, sms, or to the PRODA mobile app, depending on your settings in PRODA.
- Enter your verification code and click Next. The PRODA home screen will appear.
- Select Organisations in the top right corner of the screen. The My organisations page will open.
- Select the organisation that you wish to remove a device from. The Manage my organisation page will open.
- If you wish to remove a device from a subsidiary organisation, open the Subsidiary Organisations menu, and select the subsidiary organisation you wish to remove a B2B device from.
- Select B2B Devices, and click the device you wish to remove. The device details screen will appear.
- Click Remove B2B Device.
eRx Script exchange
- Browse to the folder C:\Program Files\Best Practice Software\BPS and run eRx Setup.exe.
- Click Setup users.
- If there are any users listed with Entity IDs, the site uses eRx Script Exchange. Take note of the entity IDs listed on the screen.
Preparation for moving the server is now complete.
Complete the steps in the order listed below:
- Log all users out of the current server.
- Perform a backup of the data using BP Backup
- Install Bp Premier on the New Server
- Restore the backup made in step 2 to the new server
- Update registry to point to server
- Update workstation registry
- Stop the SQL Server database instance on the old server. Consult the SQL Server documentation or your database administrator for instructions on stopping the database.
IMPORTANT Best Practice Software recommend stopping your old database and keeping it inactive until you are satisfied that the new live server is functioning without any problems. You can then uninstall Bp Premier and SQL Server from the old server.
If your old database remains running and connected to the network, workstations that have not been updated may make updates to the old database instead of the new database.
Update registry to point to server
After moving a Bp Premier server, you must edit the Windows registry on each workstation to connect to the new server. You will need the Bp Premier server's IP address or hostname. You can run 'ipconfig' to identify a machine's IP address, or 'hostname' to obtain a machine's hostname.
Obtain server hostname or IP address
- Log in to Windows on the Bp Premier server.
- From the Windows Desktop, go to Start > Apps > Windows System > Command Prompt.
- Type 'hostname' at the prompt and press enter. The command prompt will return the computer's hostname on the next line.
- If you need the IP address, type 'ipconfig' at the prompt and press Enter.
- The IP address will be listed under the active Ethernet card's IPv4 Address. In the following example, the IP address is ''.
Update workstation registry
IMPORTANT Updating the Windows Registry incorrectly has risks. Update only the entries indicated in the instructions. Record initial values on entries that you change, in case an entry needs to be restored.
- Log in to Windows on a Bp Premier workstation.
- Open the Windows command prompt.
- Type in ‘regedit’ and press Enter. The Registry Editor will open.
- Navigate to the following folder:
- On 32-bit operating systems, scroll to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Best Practice Software
- On 64-bit operating systems, scroll to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Wow6432Node > Best Practice Software.
- Navigate to Best Practice Software > Best Practice > Database.
- You will see an entry for Server on the right hand side. Double-click this and an Edit String dialog box will appear.
- Type in the hostname or IP address for the Bp Premier server into the Value data field.
- Click OK.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Best Practice Software\Best Practice\Database and repeat steps 6-8.
- Locate the registry folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > ODBC > ODBC.INI. If this folder contains any sub-folder starting with BPS, delete these keys.
- Log in to Bp Premier on the workstation.
- Modify a test patient's record on the workstation with a minor change and save the changes.
- Log in to the Bp Premier server and view the patient's record you just modified. If the change is visible, the workstation has successfully connected to the new server.
- Occasionally, this setting will not work the first time. If the workstation cannot connect to the Bp Premier server, repeat steps 4—8 to update the registry and test the connection to the server again.
Repeat steps 1—12 for each Bp Premier workstation.
Complete the steps in the order listed below:
- Update drug database
- Start BP Service
- Reinstall the FHIR API
- Create any required directories
- Backup schedule
- Message queues
- Results import
- Messaging Providers
- Email (Optional)
- Scanning
- Register the B2B Device for Bp Premier and PRODA
- Migrate Halo Link to the new server
- eRx script exchange
- Reset the server memory allocation
- Uninstall Bp Premier from old server
Finalising the server move involves setting up configuration for your practice's workflows and clinical integrations on the newly moved server.
Update drug database
Install all drug database updates that are required to bring the installation to the latest version. Browse to the Best Practice Software web site to obtain the latest drug data update.
Start BP Service
To start BP Service, go to Control Panel > Services in Windows, locate 'Bp Service', right-click and select Restart or Start Service. Your IT support can assist with starting Windows services.
See Set up Bp Service for more information.
Reinstall the FHIR API
If your practice uses features that require the FHIR API, you must reinstall it.
- From the Bp Premier home screen, select Setup > Configuration. The configuration screen will appear.
- Select FHIR from the icons on the left. A message will display on the screen if FHIR has not yet been installed on your Bp Premier server.
- Click Install FHIR API. The User Account Control screen may appear.
- Click Yes to begin the download. The BP FHIR Installer will open and the download will begin.
See Set up a FHIR connection for more information.
Create any required directories
If you needed to create specific Windows folders up on your previous Bp Premier server, such as export and import folders for results importing, you will need to create the same directories on the new server. If you are also reinstalling other software such as PracSoft PathologyDownload software, you must point these applications to the new folders on the new server.
Backup schedule
- From the Bp Premier main screen, select Setup > Configuration.
- Select the Bp Service tab.
- Check the Use Bp Service for running automated backups check box.
- Click the Configure Automated Backup button.
- Set up your backup schedule for the migrated database.
- Tick the box Delete old backups in same folder if you don't want to keep old backup files.
- Click Save.
See Back Up and Restore Bp Premier for more information.
Message queues
- From the main screen, select Setup > Configuration.
- Select the Msg Queue tab.
- In the Message Queue Status section, check that the machine name for all queues match the server computer's name.
- If any of the queues have the incorrect machine name, select the queue and click Edit Machine Name.
- Enter the correct name and click OK, then Save.
See Troubleshoot Bp Messaging Service for more information.
Results import
Install any result download software required by your pathology or imaging labs, just as if you were installing Bp Premier for the first time.
- From the Bp Premier main screen, select Setup > Configuration.
- Select the Results Import tab.
- Use the settings saved in Moving Bp Premier to a new server to reconfigure results import.
- Bp Premier will recognise that you have previously set up results import on a different computer and alert the user.
- Click Yes. All links to old results import will be deactivated, and the new server configuration will be used for all future results import.
- Click Save to save your configuration.
Messaging Providers
Obtain and install any messaging software from your secure messaging software vendor, just as if you were installing Bp Premier for the first time. See Set up a messaging provider for more information.
- If you obtained the utility to clear out old messaging provider paths from the Best Practice database, run the utility on the new server.
- From the Bp Premier main screen, select Setup > Configuration.
- Select the Messaging tab.
- Use the settings saved in Moving Bp Premier to a new server to reconfigure messaging providers.
Email (Optional)
- From the Bp Premier main screen, select Setup > Configuration.
- Select the Email tab.
- Reconfigure your email settings. Confirm with your IT support whether email settings remain the same for your new Bp Premier server.
See Configure Bp Premier to Use Email for more information.
- If your practice scans documents from the Bp Premier server, you must install the scanner software on the new server machine.
- Perform a test scan from Best Practice: open a Patient visit, select Correspondence In, and click Scan.
- Use the settings saved in Moving Bp Premier to a new server to reconfigure your scanner. Scan a test document in to confirm the scanner works correctly.
Register the B2B Device for Bp Premier and PRODA
If your practice has not registered for Medicare Web Services, see Connect to Medicare Web Services for more information.
IMPORTANT Before registering your B2B device, ensure the correct time and time zone has been set in Windows. If the correct time has not been set, this can cause issues when registering your B2B device, or extending your device expiry.
- From the Bp Premier home screen, select Setup > Configuration. The Configuration screen will appear.
- Select the PRODA icon on the left hand side of the screen.
- If your practice has multiple locations that are registered as subsidiary organisations in PRODA, ensure the correct minor ID has been selected from the Minor ID field.
- Click Login to access the PRODA login page.
- Enter your PRODA user name and password, and select Login. A verification code will be sent to you as an email, SMS, or to the PRODA mobile app, depending on your settings in PRODA.
- Enter your verification code and click Next. The PRODA home screen will appear.
- Select Organisations in the top right corner of the screen. The My organisations page will open.
- Select the organisation that you wish to set up the connection for. The Manage my organisation page will open.
- If you are connecting a subsidiary organisation to PRODA, open the Subsidiary Organisations menu, and select the subsidiary organisation you wish to connect.
- Select B2B Devices, then Register New B2B Device. The Register New B2B Device screen will appear.
- Navigate back to Bp Premier and select Copy next to the B2B Device (Software Instance) field.
- Return to the PRODA Register New B2B Device screen and paste the content you copied from the B2B Device (Software Instance) field into the Device Name: field.
- Enter a description if you wish, and click Register Device.
- Copy and paste the Device Activation Code (DAC) and the PRODA RA (Organisation) number into the corresponding fields in Bp Premier.
- In Bp Premier, click Register. An alert will appear indicating that the device has been successfully registered.
- Click OK on the alert. A second alert will appear indicating that PRODA and Medicare Online access is working correctly.
NOTE The PRODA B2B Device Activation Code (DAC) is valid for 60 minutes.
If you receive the below message when you click Register, it means you have not yet linked Medicare Online as a service provider to your organisation in PRODA. Complete this step to avoid this error.
If you wish to re-verify your PRODA access, you can do so by clicking Check access in the Bp Premier PRODA configuration screen.
Migrate Halo Link to the new server
When migrating or recovering a server, you must contact Halo Connect to reconfigure the Halo Link instance associated with your Site ID. Failure to do so may result in integrations querying the incorrect server or being unable to query your practice at all.
NOTE To minimise downtime, Halo Connect suggest contacting them ahead of time so they can be ready to restore services as quickly as possible.
On the old Bp Premier server:
- Open the Windows command prompt.
- Type in ‘regedit’ and press Enter. The Registry Editor will open.
- Navigate to the following entry:
- Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Halo Connect\Halo Link
- Locate the HaloGuids and record the value that appears in the data field.
TIP Use the Snipping Tool to take a screenshot of the Halo Connect settings for future reference.
After installing Bp Premier and Halo Link on the new server:
- Open the Windows command prompt.
- Type in ‘regedit’ and press Enter. The Registry Editor will open.
- Navigate to the following entry:
- Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Halo Connect\Halo Link.
- Locate the HaloGuids and record the value that appears in the data field.
- When you are ready to begin using the new Bp Premier server, contact Halo Connect to reconfigure the Halo Link instance associated with your Site ID.
TIP Use the Snipping Tool to take a screenshot of the Halo Connect settings for future reference.
Halo Connect will require the Halo GUIDs associated with your Site ID.
Configure eRx script exchange
See Configure eRx Script Exchange for more information.
Reset the server memory allocation
If you are running a Standard SQL Server version, any SQL memory settings you had set up in Bp Premier > Utilities will not be migrated. You will have to reset the value in Windows Start > Bp Utilities > Set Server Memory utility.
See Optimise SQL Server Memory for more information.
Uninstall Bp Premier from old server
After all workstations have been redirected to the new server, and you have tested that:
- updates from workstations are visible from the new server
- the new server connects to Medicare
- results import is working
- messaging services are working
You can uninstall your old version of Bp Premier and reconnect the machine to the network.
See Uninstall Bp Premier and MSSQL for more information.
New server configuration is now complete.