This article includes the questions asked by Bp Premier users during a recording of the BeInTheKnow - Mastering Word Processor Templates and Database Search sessions delivered by Best Practice Software on 27 February 2025.
Word Processor
If you are unable to see the 'blank paper' icon, it indicates that your user account does not have the necessary permissions to use the Word Processor.
To set user permissions:
- From the main screen, select Setup > Users. The Users screen will appear.
- Select the user from the list and click Edit. The Edit user details screen will appear.
- Click Set permissions. The Permissions screen will appear.
- Set the permissions of the Word Processor to one of the following options:
- Allow access: The user will be able to use the word processor.
- Allow Clinical Access: The user will have the ability to access the word processor and clinical data.
If the @ symbol is missing from the toolbar in the word processor, you need to set up email for the user account or practice in Setup > Configuration > Email.
Yes, you can find it under the Insert menu, then select Page number.
When emails are sent from the Word Processor in the patient record, an Action will be created in Today's notes to indicate that an email has been generated and sent.
If you select the User Preferences > Generate progress notes as actions are taken, a note with the email address and document name is immediately added to Today's notes.
To share the template with all users:
- From the Bp Premier word processor, select Templates > Edit template. The Word Processor templates screen will appear.
- Select the template you want to update and click Open.
- Go to File > Save As. The Template detail screen appears.
- Tick the Available to all users check box. This option allows anyone at the practice to open and use the template.
- Click Save. The template is now available for all users.
Optional: After sharing the template with All Users, you can delete the template that is just visible to you.
- Select Templates > Edit template. The Word Processor templates screen will appear.
- Locate the template you want to delete; you can easily identify the one that is visible only to you, as the All Users column will show No.
- Click Delete template. Bp Premier will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the template; click Yes.
- Bp Premier will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the template; select Yes.
The template will be deleted from Bp Premier.
No. The Bp Premier data fields are likely to be lost during conversion by the external word processor.
When downloading a recognised Bp Premier template from a website or email, right-click the link and select Save as to save the document to your computer instead of opening it in a default application such as Microsoft Word.
Database Searches
You can access supplied database queries from C:\Program Files\Best Practice Software\BPS\SuppliedQueries
Supplied queries are divided into four categories:
- Clinical
- Demographic
- Management
- Visit
To use the supplied queries:
- Select Utilities > Search from the Main menu to view the Database Search screen.
- Click Load query. A file explorer will open.
- Browse to the SQL query file you want to load and click Open. The query will be loaded into the SQL query box.
- Click Run Query.
It might be worthwhile checking out the logical operators used in the query. After WHERE, check that the conditions are using AND or OR correctly.
Access to the Database Search functionality is only available to users who have the User Permission 'Search Clinical Data' set to 'Allow access.'
Unfortunately not. However, the list can be converted to spreadsheet format, and external applications (such as Outlook) can be used to email patients.
Last updated: 04 March 2025.