Data maintenance and utilities

When collecting information about people and organisations, you record details such as title, marital status, and occupation. Bp maintains lists of the options available for these types of fields in the database. You can add new options to the list and modify the default options to suit your practice.

For example, the list of options for the Title field in patient details includes 'Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss', 'Ms', 'Master', 'Doctor', and 'Professor'. Your practice might choose to add military titles to the default list, or extend the list of Ethnic Groups to suit your practice's region.

Bp also provides a set of utilities for data maintenance.

The following demographics data can be updated from the Setup menu:

Data set



Person's title.

Marital Status

Marital or relationship status.


Occupation types.

Ethnic Groups

Ethnic background identified with by the patient. Any new ethnic groups should also be assigned a code to use when sending information for claiming purposes.

Addresses > Streets

List of known streets to autopopulate address fields.

Addresses > Towns

List of known towns to autopopulate address fields.


Associate types for the Ext Role field in Patient DetailsFamily tab.


Relationship type for persons listed as a Relation in Patient DetailsFamily tab.

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Last modified: 6 April 2023