For Reception and Admin


General management functions in Bp relevant to Reception and Administrative roles, including Financial Management, Reporting, Appointment Book Management and others.

Appointment Book

All management functions related to the Appointment Book relevant to Reception and Administrative roles, including setting up the Appointment Book for your practice and navigating the Appointment Book screens.


All Reception and Administrative Financial Management functions , including billing patients and organisations, and working with the Transaction History,

ACC Billing and Claiming

All management functions related to ACC Claiming for Reception and Administrative roles including ACC set up, billing and claiming.

Medicare and DVA

All management functions related to Medicare and DVA Claiming for Reception and Administrative roles including Medicare set up, billing and claiming.

Health Fund Billing and Claiming

All management functions related to Health Fund Claiming for Reception and Administrative roles including Health Fund set up, billing and claiming.


Management functions related to communications in Bp relevant to Reception and Administrative roles, including Tasks, Contacts, Email and SMS Messaging.


All management functions related to MyComms relevant to Reception and Administrative roles including templates and navigating MyComms screens.


All Reporting management functions relevant to Reception and Administrative roles including Bp in-built reports and custom-made reports.