
Tasks, Contacts, and SMS

Tasks are reminders for Bp users to perform an action, such as call a patient or request an investigation. All SMS communication from the practice to patients and received in response is recorded in Bp Tasks, contacts, and messages can all be actioned and closed.


You can set up a Task List that appears every time a user logs in to Tasks can be one-off actions, or scheduled, such as a daily or weekly activity like banking reconciliation. You can also set default settings for new tasks.


A contact is any instance of patient-practice communication that a staff member can record details for. You can link contact instances to patients and referrals, and treat a contact like a task that can be actioned and completed..

SMS Messaging

Introduction to SMS messaging in Bp

Set up and top up Bp SMS

Obtain an activation code from Best Practice to enable or top up your Bp SMS credit. You'll need to record patient consent before a patient can receive SMS messages.

SMS messaging and auto texts

How autotext templates are used for SMS messages.

Set up SMS Appointment Reminders

Set up a bulk appointment reminder schedule, and set patient replies to automatically update the appointment book on confirmation.

Bulk Appointment Reminders

Send default appointment reminders, custom reminders in bulk, and automatic appointment reminders.

Send text messages to patients

Send SMS messages to single or multiple patients, such as appointment delay notifications and bulk reminder messaging. Included are suggestions on maximising the potential for patient messaging at your practice.

Check for patient SMS replies

Check for patient replies to appointment reminder SMS messages. The appointment book can automatically update the status of an appointment based on the patient reply content, such as 'Yes' or 'No'.

Send Email and Fax

Send emails from practice or provider to patient, external provider, or organisation, including attachments from patient correspondence. You can also email an invoice from F5 or F8, or email an operations list from appointment book.