Tasks, Contacts, and SMS

Contacts and SMS messages are instances of communication between the practice and one or more patients. Tasks are reminders for Bp VIP.net users to perform an action. All three items are viewed and managed from the Maintain screen.

You can create medical notes in a patient's record from new or existing communication items. For example, if a provider has a task to follow up results with a patient, click Record in Medical Notes to create new notes from the task in the patient's history.

Before you can send and receive SMS messages from this screen, you need to set up an SMS messaging providerSee Set up and top up Bp SMS for more information.

View tasks, contacts, or texts

  1. Press one of:
    • Ctrl+F1 (T icon on the toolbar) to view tasks.
    • Ctrl+F2 (C icon on the toolbar) to view contacts.
    • Ctrl+F3 (X icon on the toolbar) to view text messages.

    The Maintain screen has a set of filters along the top, a list of items in the middle of the screen, and a row of action buttons along the bottom.

    Maintain Tasks Screen

  2. Filter the results shown using the settings:
    • Select to view any combination or Tasks, Contacts, Texts, or all.
    • Select to view any combination of Incomplete, Complete, or Sent items.
    • Search for items with a date Created or date Due between a date range.
    • Show items for the Current Patient Only (patient or organisation shown in Information Bar) or Search for another patient or organisation.
    • Search for items created by or sent to specific Bp VIP.net users from the For/By field.
    • Click Select Categories to show only items for specific user-defined categories.
  3. Click Run to reload the list of items displayed.

NOTE You must click Run to refresh the list after changing any of the filter options.

Action a task, contact, or text

  1. Open the Maintain screen and select the item you want to action.
  2. Choose the action to perform from the row of buttons along the bottom of the screen:
  3. Button



    Creates a new task, contact, or text.


    Modifies the details of an existing task or contact.


    Forwards a task to another recipient.


    Creates a reply task if you are a recipient of the selected task.


    Deletes the task, contact, or text message.


    Prints the task, contact, or text message.


    Opens the Email screen to email the selected task.

    Record in Medical Notes and Complete

    Creates a new encounter in the associated patient's medical notes in Medical Director, and completes the task.


    Closes the Maintain screen.

Last modified: July 2020