
A contact is any instance of patient-practice communication that a staff member can record details for. For example, if a patient telephones the practice or visits without an appointment, reception staff can record details of the visit or call as a contact. Details of the contact are available for the provider, practice manager, or appropriate staff to review.

Create a contact

  1. Load the patient or organisation who is the subject of the contact into the Information Bar.
  2. To open the Maintain... screen for practice-patient communications, select one of:
    • select FileContacts from the menu
    • press Ctrl+F2
    • click the C icon on the Bp toolbar.
  3. The Maintain... screen will be displayed and default to showing Contacts.
  4. Maintain Contacts screen

  5. Click New from the row of buttons along the bottom. The Details screen will appear.
  6. Complete the fields in this screen:
  7. Field



    Date task should be completed by.


    Leave as 'Contact'.


    User-created category.

    To create a new contact category, right-click in this field and select Maintain List.

    Logged by / on

    Logged-in user and date when task was created. Read-only.


    Defaults to the patient or organisation shown in the Information Bar.


    If the contact is related to a referral, this dropdown will show all referrals related to the patient. Click Update to edit an existing referral or create a new referral.


    Tick to indicate the contact has been completed on today's date. Select a Completed Reason from the dropdown. Right-click in the dropdown to create new Completed Reasons.

    NOTE Ticking this field will complete the contact for all recipients.


    Free text describing the action to be taken.

  8. Click OK to save the task.

Complete a contact

Contacts can be closed off or 'completed' just like tasks. See Complete a task for more information.

Print a contacts list

The results from running a Contacts search can be printed by selecting the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

  • A prompt will ask which results should be included in the print job, highlighted or all displayed.
  • Edit the template used for Print by editing the PITP Autotext. This Auto text is a system default, if not present it can be imported from Setup > Autotext > Import. See Create an Auto Text for further details.

Last modified: 13 December 2022