Appointment Book

Getting started with the Appointment Book

A summary of the configuration required to get the appointment book working for your practice, and how to book appointments.

Set up the appointment book

Mark a provider as an appointment book page-owner, set up a roster, create appointment types, and set defaults for appointment book workflows.

Set a provider's appointment book location

Display the location that a provider is attending on their appointment book pages. Updates to a provider's location will flow through to a provider's roster.

Working in the Appointment Book

A guide to the many functions of the Appointment Book: book, search, cancel, and move appointments, mark as Did Not Attend, print day lists for appointments and operations, and audit appointment history. This article also explains what the icons in a booked slot mean.

Book, move, or cancel an appointment

Search for booked or available appointments. Book a new appointment, or move or cancel a booked appointment and mark Did not Attend if required. View the change history for an appointment to see which user has cancelled or moved an appointment.

Book an operation

Book an operation, nominate a surgeon and anaesthetist, and generate a quote for procedure costs.

Book an operation (NZ)

Apply a discount to an entire invoice or selected items within the invoice.

Find available appointments

Use the Daily Overview to manage booking for multiple providers in one view.

Unlink a Medical Note from an Appointment

Unlink a medical note from an appointment so the appointment can be edited.

Print a list of appointments and operations

Print a list of appointments or operations from the appointment book for reference.

Staging and the Waiting Room

Set up staging and progress patients through arrival, consultation, and billing. You can create new stages applicable to your practice, and allow an appointment to be closed at specific stages or any stage.

Working in Waiting List

The Waiting List is a queue for organising patients who can be rescheduled if appointments are cancelled. You can wait patients from the appointment book, Medical Desktop, or the monthly planner.

Adding Autotexts in the Appointment Book Columns

How to show autotexts in the appointment book to provide additional patient information.

Recall Appointments

Shows patients with recall appointments booked in a date range. You can view resolved, unresolved, and overdue recalls.

Create a New Unit

Add a new practice 'unit', or a distinct area or subsection of a facility, and update provider rosters with the new unit.

Merge page-owners and providers

Merge provider and page-owner records, including rostering, if multiple redundant records have accumulated. Always back up the database before merging.