Password Policy

A Password Policy can be set in Bp to create varying levels of password complexity, maximising the security around access to confidential data. Australian practices using Electronic Prescribing, released in a future update, will be required to create a Password Policy in accordance with regulation standards.

Setting the Password Policy

  1. Log in as an Administrator user.
  2. Go to Setup > Facility Preferences > General Preferences.
  3. Select the Password Policy tab.
  4. Password Policy

  5. Tick an option and update the value in the provided space to enable the setting.

Field Description

Enforce minimum password length

Passwords must be the specified minimum number of characters.

Enforce password complexity

Passwords must include the following indicated characters.

Enforce login retry limit

Number of failed login attempts before the account is locked and must be reactivated by an administrator.

Enforce password change frequency

Users must change their password every number of specified days.

Enforce password re-use interval

Uses may only reuse a prior password after the specified number of password changes.

Enforce inactive period lockout

The user is automatically logged out of Bp after the specified number of minutes of no user activity.

TIP Users should save their work regularly to avoid loss of data when using the inactive period lockout function.

Resetting Locked Accounts

If a user has been locked out of their account due to too many failed login attempts, an Administrator user can reset their account from Maintain Users.

  1. Login as an Administrator user.
  2. Go to Setup > Security > Maintain Users.
  3. Deselect Account Disabled.
  4. Select OK to save and close.

The user can now log in again.

Last modified: 8 February 2023