Set personal preferences

After a Bp administrator creates a user account, the user can set personal preferences for some Bp workflows. Personal preferences will over-ride facility preferences when the user logs in to Bp

For example, a user might prefer the Tasks screen to open whenever he or she logs in, or a specialist might prefer a specific UDF to appear over the Medical Desktop when F11 is pressed.

How do I access my preferences?

  1. Select SetupPersonal Preferences. The Personal Preferences screen will be displayed.
  2. Go through the tabs and adjust the settings to suit your working style. Not all of the tabs will be relevant; for example, the Medical tab is for providers using the Medical Desktop. Untick Use Facility Preferences to override the settings in the SetupFacility Preferences screens.
  3. Click OK.

You can also set workstation preferences, which set defaults for the Bp workstation regardless of who is logged in.

User Details



Login ID

Displays the logged-in user's ID.


User's preferred surname to display.

First Name

User's preferred first name to display.


Email address to use when emailing to and from Bp An address entered here will be used over the practice email set in Facility PreferencesFacility.




Field / Visible

Tick a field to display that field by default in the Snapshot, also called the 'Information Bar' or 'Focus'.

Back Colour / Fore Colour

Select a colour for the background and text for the field displayed in the Snapshot.

Show redirected balances

If an account is redirected to a patient, show the redirected balance if the Account Balance field is shown.

Match Provider Colours

Match Snapshot background and text colours to the patient's lead provider's colours.




Show diabetes info in Notes Hx

Show patient diabetes information in Notes History by default.

Select UDF to open over Medical desktop when F11 is pressed

Opens another UDF over the default Medical Desktop screen when the MD is opened. Specialists can use this option to load a specialist UDF instead of the regular MD.

Always show film strip

Always show the film strip as part of Medical Desktop. A minimum resolution of 1014x768 is required.

Default medical problems to resolved

Default problems entered into Medical Desktop to 'Resolved'.

Default Search for Problems / Procedures / Prostheses

Sets the default search for problems, procedures, or prostheses to search by text description or item code.





Tick Show... to display details of that transaction by default in the Transactions screen (F8).


Tick Show... to display details of that payment by default in the Payment screen (F6).

User Setup Options



Set options for

Select OriginSpeech or MedSpeech, depending on the dictation application used by the provider.


Enter the provider username for the dictation software.

Set Password

Set a new password for the dictation software.

Setup Adobe Reader to View PDF

Click to set up Adobe Reader for viewing PDFs within Bp You must install Adobe Reader on a workstation before running this utility.

Login Actions



Splash screen

Display the Bp splash screen at login.




Make new tasks private

Sets the Task is Confidential flag on when a new task is created. Only the task owner and recipients can view the task. Public tasks can be viewed and completed by any user.

When I log on, Load

Load the Task list screen when a user logs on.

New Task Notification

Send a message to the logged-in user when a new task is created.

Load my task list

Open the task list for the logged-in user when a new task is created.

Update Personal Preferences

Updates all operator personal preference settings to those selected here.

Select Option for displaying Image in MyComms

Sets how image files are displayed in MyComms relative to the screen size.


Last modified: July 2020