System Navigation Bar

There are several additional functions on this toolbar for a syncing computer. The details about these are noted below in the Synchronising Bp Allied section. Synchronising is also referred to by the shortened term of "syncing" within this document.




Click to open Bp Allied Options.


Select the "Skin" you would like to use with Bp Allied.  This will change the colours and animations within the program depending on the skin selected.

If you on a Terminal Services client, then No skin is the best option as Bp Allied performs better. However, on some older versions of Bp Allied the Options tabs display sideways if the No Skin option is selected.

Data Maintenance

Click to open Data Maintenance.  Data Maintenance allows you to add values to drop-down fields and edit other areas of the program.

Merge Client Records

Click to Merge 2 duplicate client records into the one record.   You can choose which one to retain and which one to delete.  Click here for more information on Merging Client Records.

Manage Permissions

Click here to open up the Permissions management section to review the available roles and their allowed functions.

Audit Log

This function has moved from the Client Details. The Audit Log can be used to look at specific changes in that have occurred against a client record or an invoice and who has made these changes.


Click this button to exit the Bp Allied program.