The Expenses Master Report can be used to enter and track basic practice expenses. These can be categorised and exported to Excel or printed as required. Categories need to be set up in
Data Maintenance > Expense Categories.
 Select a date range
Enter the date range to find expenses for
Click Go to search for expenses already entered for the date range above
 Search Results for date range
Search results for the above date range.
Total Expenses and Total GST for the expenses found for the given date range.
 Add a new expense
 Save Changes
Click Save Changes after adding any expenses to the report.
 Find an expense
Use the Find field to search for a particular word within the report, i.e. to find a particular expense item
 Group by....
Use the Group By option to group the expenses entered. An example would be to drag the Category field upto the Group By header so that expenses can be displayed by category.
Preview the results before saving as PDF or Printing
Print the results
 Export to Excel
Export the results to Excel
Close the report