The User Administration is where Users (Practitioners) are created for use in Bp Allied. Creating a User creates both a login name and related password as well as a
Calendar for use in the appointment book. The information below covers the entry of information into the User Details tab. Click on the links to fill in information in the
Permissions or Banking tabs.
 Selected User
This is the user selected via the navigation buttons. By default this screen will always open up on the user that is currently logged in. As the users are scrolled through via the navigation buttons the Selected User name at the top of the screen will change. Their UserID is the number in brackets.
 Other Options
Permissions - This is only available to Bp Allied Administrators. This tab will not be displayed for a general user.
Banking - The details included in this tab can be merged into Invoice Templates
Google calendar - Click here to add or update Google Calendar settings for a User.
Provider ID's - these are now managed individually based on the user because of the introductions of Medicare Online Claiming
Medicare - this section is used if the practitioner has a separate Medicare Online Claiming certificate and does not use the business one.
 Navigation buttons
Click the + to Add a new user
 This is only displayed for a Bp Allied Administrator. A general user will only be able to see their own User Information details.
Use the arrow keys to move forwards and backwards between users.
The double arrows move to either the first or the last record.
 User ID
This unique ID is automatically assigned when a new User is created. This is used to manage any customised Client Details forms.
Practitioners title. Titles can be added to the in the Titles table in Data Maintenance.
 User Name
The First and Last Names are the only required fields apart from setting the password. These make up the user name for the user.
 Date of Birth
Date of Birth for a user can be entered here.
 Email address
The email address for the user. This can be used as a merge field on an Invoice or Letter template.
 Setting a password
Set the password for the user and indicate whether they must change their password at the next login.
This can also be used by a general User to change their own password details.
 Practitioner Qualifications
If a User is a Practitioner then their qualifications can be entered in here. This can be used as a merge field on an Invoice or Letter template.
 Secure messaging Settings
If a User is a Practitioner then their relevant Secure Messaging details can be entered in here. What information is entered is dependent on the Secure messaging protocol used by the practice. Click the link for details on Argus, Referral Net or Medical Objects secure messaging protocols.
 Reminder Template Settings
Email and SMS Reminder and Confirmation templates can be customised for a specific Practitioner. The relevant template can be specified here.
This functionality is not currently available.
The specific identifier for the practitioner in the Health Identifier database. This is used by My Health Record to enable the sharing and viewing of health summaries.
 Online Appointment bookings
This functionality is not currently available.
 Receive notification emails
They can also receive a daily tasks list of due or overdue tasks. This option is only available if a practice has the Bp Allied Scheduler installed or is using our hosting service.
Click OK to save changes and to close the options window.
Click Cancel to disregard changes and close the options window.
Click Apply to save the changes and keep the options window open.