Non-Standard Fees

This article explains how to set up and bill non-standard fees to ACC in Bp Omni. A non-standard fee is an item that is billable to ACC but is not included in the standard ACC fee schedule. The Item number or charge code is often provided by ACC.

A non-standard fee for the full cost of treatment (FCT) can be created for ACC accredited employers or private insurers that agree to cover the patient subsidy portion of the invoice, as well as the subsidised ACC item.

IMPORTANT  For some ACC item numbers, a co-payment can be charged to the patient in addition to the ACC subsidy, while other items must not include a co-payment charge. It is the responsibility of the practice to be aware of which item numbers can or cannot have an additional co-payment.

Before you begin

  • The ACC fees schedule must be configured. See ACC Fees & Schedules for more information.
  • Users will need the Item number, fee Name and Fee amount for the new non-standard fee, if provided by ACC.

Create Non-standard fee

  1. Click your profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. Click your profile icon, then select Settings.

  3. From the options to the left of the screen, click Config > Fees & schedules. The ACC schedule card will be at the top of the screen.
  4. ACC Fees Schedule

  5. On the ACC schedule card, click View & edit fees in the top-right. The ACC schedule screen will open.
  6. Select New fee.
  7. Non Standard Fees

See Set Up Practice Fees and Schedules for more information on creating new fees.

Edit Non-standard fees

  1. From the ACC schedule card, click View & edit fees in the top-right. The ACC schedule screen will open.
  2. Select the Non-standard fees schedule.
  3. Locate the fee to be modified and select Edit.
  4. Edit fees

See Set Up Practice Fees and Schedules for more information on editing fees.

Billing Non-standard fees

A non-standard fee can be added to an invoice when billing or set as a default fee for an appointment type. If the fee has been marked as Editable, the Fee ($) amount can be updated from the invoice.

Billing non standard fees

Non-standard fees are ACC subsidised and will appear on the invoice with a green subsidy badge. If the invoice does not contain any items to be invoiced to the patient, only one invoice will be created for the subsidiser.

See ACC Billing for more information on creating invoices without a patient billed subsidy.


Last updated: 9 June 2023