Print or export an appointment list

This article describes how to print a day sheet or appointment list from the appointment book. You can also export to file.

Print the day sheet

A Day Sheet shows a provider's appointments for a single day. If the appointment book is in Day view, the day currently displayed will be printed. If in Week view, the first day on the screen will be printed.

  1. Select FilePrint day sheet or press Shift+F9.
  2. Bp Premier will ask if you want to print a day sheet for all doctors ticked on the left hand side of the appointment book, or just the selected doctor. Click Yes to print a sheet for all doctors showing, or No to print a day sheet just for the selected doctor.

Print a provider's appointment list

You can print all appointments for one or more doctors over a date range.

  1. Select FilePrint appointment list or press F9. The Print appointment list screen will appear.
  2. Print appointment list

  3. Tick the providers to print appointment times for.
  4. Select a start and end date.
  5. Select the Times of day to print appointments for.
  6. Tick Group by location to group appointments by location on the printed output.
  7. Click Print.

NOTE  If the appointment list is printed in landscape, it will include patient contact details.

Export appointments to file

  1. Select FileExport appointments. The Export appointment list screen will appear.
  2. Tick the providers you want to export appointments for, or click Select all.
  3. Select the start and end dates you want to export appointments between.
  4. Click Export. The Save As screen will appear.
  5. Browse to the folder to save the export file.
  6. Select to Save as type CSV or text file. Change the filename from the default if you wish and click Save.

Print an appointment list for an individual patient

  1. Press F2 or select FileFind appointment. The Find appointment screen will appear.
  2. Find appointment

  3. Enter a partial surname into the Search for field to search for a patient, or select to search by Medicare No. or Record No.
  4. Select a patient in the top list to view that patient's appointments in the bottom list, from oldest at the top to most recent at the bottom.
  5. Tick Show past appointments to also display historic appointments for this patient.
  6. Select the appointment you want from the bottom list and click a button to action the appointment:
    • Print — Prints the appointments.
    • Go to — Opens the appointment book at the appointment.
    • Move — Opens the Move appointment screen to select another time.
    • Delete — Cancels the appointment. Bp Premier will ask for a cancellation reason.
    • Close — Closes the screen with no changes.

Last updated 04 April 2022