Outstanding Balance - Detail Report

This report shows both the negative and positive outstanding balances of all clients whose balance does not equal zero and a specific point over the last three months (or 90 days) that these payments were incurred. The 30/60/90 day figures are derived on the account balance for the client for the current month and then at the 20th of the month for the preceding months. Please note that this is not an Aged Debtors report. Refer to the Outstanding Invoices report to view a client's unpaid invoices.

For detailed information on using the Filtering, Grouping and other manipulations of the views please refer to the linked articles.



Display Mode

It has two modes - Monthly or by 30 day increments from the current date, hence the values displayed are slightly different depending on what mode is shown.

Example of 30 / 60 / 90 day mode:

Display Clients

Click to display the clients in the grid.

Results Grid

Each client with a balance that does not equal zero is displayed. Red balances indicate amounts outstanding and green balances indicate overpayments.

Current, Last Month, 2 Months  Ago, 3 Months Ago and Over 3 Months indicate the time period in which the outstanding or over payment amount was incurred.

Click on the Go to Client Invoice Details to display the client in the Invoices Module.


The built in totalling function shows the totals of each column.

Details on how to add or change totals can be found here.

Standard Output Options

Use the standard options to Export, Preview or Print the report.