You are accessing documentation for Bp Allied version 6. This is not the latest version of Bp Allied.
Support for this product will cease on 1 February 2021

Clients toolbar

Clients toolbar

Client Details

1. Client Details
Click Client Details to open the Client Details record when an appointment is selected

Find Client

2. Find Client
Click Find Client to search for a Client, from here you can View Appointments including invoiced and cancelled details, Send an SMS, Attach Documents or Emails to the Client Record

New Client

3. New Client
Click New Client to add a new Client into your database.

Attach Document

4. Attach Document
Attach a Document to the Client Record, for example a letter created outside of Bp Allied or a document sent in by the client.

Attach Email

5. Attach Email
Attach an Email to the Client Record. Emails need to be downloaded from a web client into Outlook or something similar. Emails viewed only in a web client can not be saved to the client record.

Record Phone Contact

6. Record Phone Contact
Record details of a Telephone Conversation as well as time the phone call.