Best Practice Software resources
Frequently Asked Questions from Bp Premier practices around MyMedicare registration and the program.
MyMedicare: General Practice in Aged Care Incentives FAQ
Provides information about the MyMedicare General Practice in Aged Care Incentive, which is set to replace the existing Aged Care Access Incentive on 1 July 2024.
Record the patient's MyMedicare registration status
Describes how to record the patient's MyMedicare registration status in Orchid SP1 Revision 1 and highlights the areas of Bp Premier where users will be notified of the patient's MyMedicare registration status.
My Medicare Practice Registration
Information for practices yet to register for MyMedicare through HPOS and the organisation register.
MyMedicare Patient Registration
Information about inviting patients to register your practice as the preferred practice in MyMedicare, and managing patients registrations in PRODA.
Patients who can benefit from MyMedicare
Includes information about generating patient lists for patients who would benefit from registering with MyMedicare.
MyMedicare Awareness and Bp Comms
Describes how to use Bp Comms templates to communicate MyMedicare awareness to patients who would benefit from registration.
Retrieve MyMedicare Documents from My Health Record
Describes how to access and retrieve a patient's MyMedicare registration documents from My Health Record.
Bp Premier Reporting Tool: Import MyMedicare Registrations
Import MyMedicare Patient Registration CSV lists from HPOS via the Bp Premier Reporting Tool.
Medicare and MBS MyMedicare related resources
DVA, Services Australia and Department of Health and Aged Care education resources
- DVA MyMedicare Incentive payments for General Practitioners
- DOHAC General MyMedicare resources and information for practices and patients
- DOHAC MyMedicare Fact Sheets and FAQs to give to patients
- Services Australia How to Register for patients
- Services Australia eLearning resources for registering practices for MyMedicare and managing patient registrations
Services Australia MyMedicare General Practice in Aged Care Incentive resources
- Services Australia Infographic: Steps required to add the MyMedicare General Practice in Aged Care Incentive
- Services Australia Infographic: Adding the MyMedicare General Practice in Aged Care Incentive Indicator
- Services Australia eLearning resources for MyMedicare - General Practice in Aged Care Incentive
Last updated: 10 September 2024.