If the patient has paid the excess in full, but the health fund has subsidised a portion of the excess, you can correct the excess amount paid by a patient.
For example, say a patient has paid their excess for a daystay surgery of $300. A daystay invoice for $1315.00 has been redirected to the patient's health fund. However, the health fund has provided a cheque for $1445 which includes $130 toward the excess. The patient's excess needs to be reduced from $300 to $170.
IMPORTANT You cannot just modify the excess from the Consultation screen. You must reverse and rebill the episode.
- Press F8 to open the Transaction screen for the patient.
- Select the daystay invoice with the excess and click Requote. Bp VIP.net will ask you to confirm that you want the consultation converted into a quote.
- Click OK. The Transaction screen will show the credit on hold available.
- Select the consultation and click Reverse. Lines related to the original invoice will be removed from the Transaction screen.
- Press Ctrl+F8 to open the patient's Daystay episode. Change the Excess amount and click Charge Excess.
- Press F6 to open the Payment screen. Tag the daystay consultation and enter the new excess amount in the Less Credit on Hold field. Click OK to save the new payment.
- Go back to the Daystay Episodes screen (Ctrl+F8) and select the Discharge Details tab. Click Invoice to re-invoice the daystay episode. In the Consultation screen, the updated Excess will be visible.
- Click OK. If you view the patient's Transaction screen (F8), the daystay billing will be updated to show:
- The correct excess paid using credit on hold
- The daystay episode has been invoiced the correct excess
- The correct amount has been redirected to the health fund.
- In the Transaction screen, select the payment attached to the quote from step 2 (the payment will be a 'Transferred' type).
- Click Refund.The Refund screen will open with the credit on hold left over after paying the excess. Record a descriptive Reason for the refund and click OK.
- Refund the money to the patient.
The Consultation screen will open showing the changed 'Excess' item.
Amending the excess is complete.
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Last modified: July 2020