Create eScripts (AU)

This article explains the required and optional fields in the Prescription Item Details screen for sending prescriptions via eScript, available in Topaz SP2 for Australian users.

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eScript required fields

When sending an eScript the required fields as marked with a red asterisk * include:

  • Dose - The amount of medication that should be taken in one dose.
  • Formulation - What form the medication is administered in.
  • Route - How the medication should be taken or administered.
  • Quantity - The total amount of medication being prescribed.

Required fields

TIP Saved Defaults and Protocols can be used when creating eScripts, ensuring the required fields have been completed.

Note to pharmacist

From the Prescription Item Details screen select the Note to pharmacist button to enter additional information to be transmitted with the eScript.

Note to pharmacist

Prescription Intervals

The field Interval has been added to the Prescription Item Details screen and the Authority Details screen for the purposes of ePrescribing. The Interval is the number of days between repeat prescriptions.

A value must be added in the Interval field for:

  • Schedule 4 Appendix B and Schedule 8 medications in NSW.
  • Schedule 8 medications in ACT, WA, QLD and NT.
  • Schedule 8 and 4D medications in TAS.

Authority Details

Flag a script as Urgent Supply

To send the eScript directly to the pharmacy instead of the patient, select the Urgent Supply checkbox in the Prescription Item Details.

Urgent Supply

IMPORTANT If the prescribed medication has been marked as Urgent Supply it cannot be sent as an eScript token via email or SMS, a paper token must be printed.

Upload to ASL

If selected, the eScript details will be uploaded to Active Script List viewed in MySL.

Consent to upload to ASL

Deselect Consent to upload to ASL if the patient does not wish for the eScript to be uploaded to their Active Script List.

IMPORTANT If Consent to upload to ASL has not been selected the prescription cannot be sent as an eScript token via email or SMS,a paper token must be printed.

To record the reason for the eScript to be held by the pharmacy and not uploaded to ASL, select one of the radio button options, Dosing Point, Staged Supply or Repeat on file. Selecting one of these options will automatically deselect Consent to upload to ASL.

Authorisation number for Schedule 8 medications

An Authorisation number of up to 25 alphanumeric characters can be entered for Schedule 8 medications.

This field name is dependent on which state is entered in the Main Facility address details.

  • Authorisation number in NSW and NT.
  • Authority number in WA and TAS.
  • Approval number in QLD and ACT.
  • Permit number in SA.
  • Warrant number in VIC.

Authorisation number

The lookup field (Ctrl+l) for the authorisation number is available for auto and letter templates.

Lookup fields Authorisation/Warrant number

Lookup fields Authorisation/Warrant number

Unusual Dose

Select Unusual Dose to indicate to the pharmacy that the dose of medication prescribed is higher or lower than what is usually expected.

Unusual Dose

Directions for use

The Directions for use field will populate with additional text for Dentist, Midwife, Optometrist and Podiatrist speciality provider types.

  • Dental = for dental treatment use only (For ACT only)
  • Midwife = for midwifery use only (For ACT only)
  • Optometrist = for optometry use only (For ACT only)
  • Optometrist = for ocular treatment only (For all states excluding ACT)
  • Podiatrist = for podiatric treatment only (For ACT only)
  • Podiatrist = for treatment of foot conditions only (For all states excluding ACT)

Directions for use

The speciality of a Provider Type is recorded in SetupProviders > Provider Types.