Set up ePrescribing (AU)

This article explains how to set up ePrescribing in Bp Topaz SP2 for Australian users.

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What is ePrescribing?

  • ePrescribing is the process of sending a prescription electronically to a patient or pharmacy instead of a traditional printed prescription.
  • An electronic prescription is a prescription that is electronically generated and sent to your mobile phone or computer.
  • An electronic prescription can be used in the same way as a paper prescription to get medicines from pharmacies.

See the Australian Digital Health Agency website for more information on ePrescriptions or the ePrescribing FAQ (AU)

ePrescribing requirements

To send eScripts the patient, provider and practice must meet all ePrescribing requirements as outlined in the table below.

Required for

Function area



Main Facility Organisation Details (F3)

HPI-O number. Where do I get an HPI-O number?


ePrescribing tab

(Setup > Facility Preferences > General Preferences) 

eRx and ePrescribing must be enabled in Bp See Set up ePrescribing (AU) for further instructions.


Communications tab (Setup > Facility Preferences > General Preferences) 

HI Service (NASH) certificates must be configured. See Configure Bp with the NASH Certificate for further instructions.


Local machine

eRx must be installed and configured. Where do I register for eRx?


Provider details (Setup > Providers > This Clinic)

Provider Name (Surname at minimum) .


Prescriber number. Where do I get a Prescriber number?


HPI-I number. Where do I get an HPI-I number?

This number must also be entered in Setup > Security > Maintain Users.


APHRA number. Where do I get an AHPRA number?


Entity ID, sent to Best Practice Software after providers have registered with eRx.


Prescriber specialist qualification (Credentials).


Patient Details (F3)

An Address.


A Date of Birth.


A valid IHI number. Bp will run an IHI number validation check the night before the patient's booked appointment.

Set up your practice

Set up your providers

Set up your patients

To create an eScript token for a patient, in the Patient Details (F3) screen they will need:

  • Address details,
  • A Date of Birth,
  • And a valid IHI Number.

Patient details required for ePrescribing.

TIP Use the HI Verification button to open an advanced search to find a patient's IHI number if you do not know it. See Recording patient IHI numbers (Australia) for more details.

If the patient wishes to receive eScript tokens via SMS or email, a Mobile number and Email address can also be entered in the Patient Details (F3). A paper eScript can be printed and given to the patient.

What do I do next?


Last modified: 29 February 2024