Set up SQL Server reporting services

When you install SQL Server as part of a Bp installation, you will need to download and install SQL Server Reporting Services separately. Your IT support can assist with installing reporting services.

On this page

Install SQL Server Reporting Services

  1. Open the the SQL Server Installation Centre.
  2. Select the Installation tab from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select the link to Install SQL Server Reporting Services.
  4. Install Reporting Services

  5. Download SQL Server Reporting Services from the Microsoft Download Centre.
  6. Locate the downloaded file SQLServerReportingServices and Run as administrator.
  7. Run as administrator

  8. The Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services installation wizard will begin.
  9. Enter your product key.
  10. Choose Install Type

  11. Review the licence terms and select I accept to continue.
  12. Specify an Install location if required.
  13. Select Configure report server when the installation is complete.
  14. Configure Report Server

Configure Windows Firewall

Windows Server 2019

  1. From the Windows desktop, type 'Firewall' into the search bar next to the Windows icon in the bottom left.
  2. Click Windows Firewall with Advanced Security from the search results. The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security screen will open.
  3. Click the Inbound Rules tab on the left hand side. Under Actions on the right hand side, click New Rule.... The New Inbound Rule Wizard will appear open at the Rule Type tab.
  4. Select Port and click Next.
  5. Leave TCP selected. Select Specific local ports and enter '80'. Click Next.
  6. Select Allow the connection. Click Next.
  7. NOTE If your practice's network uses IPsec for increased security, you may need to select Allow the connection if it is secure.

  8. Leave all profiles Domain, Private, and Public ticked and click Next.
  9. Enter a descriptive Name such as 'Reporting Services Bp', include a Description if desired, and click Finish.
  10. The Inbound Rule will be added to the list as the name you added in step 8. Double-click the rule to view the Properties.
  11. Windows Server 2019 Firewall Configuration

  12. Select the Outbound Rules tab from the left hand menu, and repeat the steps above to add an accompanying outbound rule.

Report Server Configuration

After installing Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and selecting Configure report server, the Report Server Configuration Manager screen will launch. It can also be accessed from from Start > Apps > Microsoft SQL Server > Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

  1. Ensure that the Server Name is correct and select Connect.
  2. NOTE The Server Name is usually the name of the workstation that the Microsoft SQL Server Database was installed on (unless renamed in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio). See the Knowledge Base article Configure SQL Server users for further instruction.

    Connect to Report Server

  3. Select the Web Service URL tab from the left-hand menu.

  4. Configure Web Service URL

  5. Give the Virtual Directory the name of 'ReportServer'.

  6. Leave all other settings as their defaults.

  7. Select Apply to configure the Web Service URL.

  8. Select the Web Portal URL tab from the left-hand menu.

  9. Configure Report Web Portal URL

  10. Name the Virtual Directory and leave other settings as their defaults.

  11. Select Apply to configure the Web Portal URL.

  12. From the left-hand menu select the Database tab.

  13. Click Change Database.

  14. Select Database

  15. For a new installation of SQL Server Reporting Services, select Create a new report server database. Enter the report server database name and follow the prompts to complete the process.

  16. To direct SQL Server Reporting Services to an existing database, the user can select Choose an existing report server database and follow the prompts to complete the process.

Add access to Site Settings and Folders

  1. Close the Report Server Configuration Manager. and relaunch from Start > Apps > Microsoft SQL Server > Reporting Services Configuration Manager for your version of SQL Server.
  2. Select Web Portal URL from the tabs on the left. Click the hyperlink listed in the URLs field.
  3. Reporting Services Configuration Manager Report URL

    SQL Server Reporting Services Home will open in your default browser.

  4. From SQL Server Reporting Services Home, click Site Settings in the top right menu from the cog icon. The Site Settings page will load.
  5. Site Settings button

  6. Select the Security tab, then select Add group or user.
  7. Reporting Services Add User

    IMPORTANT Users of Bp reporting services must have 'System Administrator' rights for Bp reporting to function correctly. User groups from Active Directory can also be added.

  8. Enter the name of the Group or user to be added and tick the Roles of System Administrator and System User.
  9. Select OK to create new role.
  10. Repeat until all desired users or groups have been added.
  11. Reporting Services New Group or User

  12. To edit or delete a role assignment, select the Edit button on the user or group from the Security tab.
  13. Edit Group or User

  14. Users have now been given access to SQL Server Reporting Services and the browser can be closed.

Set up reporting services in Bp

To set up Report Builder in Bp, you must run the software as a Windows administrator and perform a small amount of configuration.

  1. Log out of Bp
  2. Right-click the Bp icon on the desktop and select 'Run as administrator'. You will only need to run as administrator once, for the initial setup.
  3. Run VIP as Administrator

  4. In Bp, select ReportsReport Builder from the menu.
  5. Bp will ask for the name of the reports folder. This is 'BP Reports' by default.
  6. Report Manager Setup models folder

  7. Click OK. Bp will offer an option to Configure Reporting Services.
  8. Report Manager Setup Configure Services

  9. Click OK. Bp will upgrade reporting services and alert the user when finished.
  10. Report Manager Setup Services Configured

  11. Click OK. Bp will prompt for the location of the new report model.
  12. Report Manager Setup Report Model Location

  13. Download the 'bp' report model file from the following link by right-clicking and selecting Save link as :
    • Download the Bp Report Model here.

    • Once you have received and saved the file you can browse to the location of the report model from here. If not, click Cancel to exit.

  14. Select the 'bp' report model from Windows File Explorer, then select Open and Upload Report Model to finish.
  15. Upload Report Model

Bp is now configured for Reporting Services.


Last modified: 4 October 2022