Understanding user-defined forms

User-defined forms (UDFs) are a way for Bp VIP.net users to customise parts of the user interface to suit the requirements of their practice.

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Why would I need a user-defined form?

Specialists must record an enormous variety of data relevant to their specialty. Bp VIP.net's Medical Desktop cannot capture all of this data with a set of standard screens in the user interface. Instead, UDFs allow a specialist to create a screen with fields that record unique patient information.

For example, an ophthalmologist could create a Medical Desktop screen that records visual acuity and macular degeneration information from the front page, and sub-pages might include fields for recording pre- and post-surgery information for cataract surgeries.

An endocrinologist could create a Medical Desktop with diabetes-related fields as part of the front page, with sub-pages for cardiovascular risk assessment. A cardiologist will have their own data capturing requirements for patient information.

What windows can I extend with custom fields?

As well as the Medical Desktop, you can also extend the following Bp VIP.net windows:

  • Patient Details
  • Organisation Details
  • Provider Details

You can also create a Kiosk, which is a UDF designed to capture the kind of information required when a patient first enrols at your organisation. See Setting up and using Kiosk for more information.

UDF Types

When you create a new UDF, you select a Type from the Properties screen. The type determines whether the UDF is a completely new screen, or a component of an existing screen.

The following UDF types are installed with Bp VIP.net and cannot be modified or added to.

UDF Type


Medical Desktop

Standalone Medical Desktop screen.

Medical Desktop Page

Sub-screen opened from a Medical Desktop.

Patient Details

Group of fields that comprise a panel on the Patient Details screen.

Patient Details Page

Sub-screen opened from the Patient Details screen.

Patient Details More

A tab of fields on the Patient Details screen.

Organisation Details

Group of fields that comprise a panel on the Organisation Details screen.

Practice Details

Group of fields that comprise a panel on the Practice Details screen.

Practice Details Page

Sub-screen opened from the Practice Details screen.

Provider Details

Group of fields that comprise a panel on the Patient Details screen.

Kiosk Main

Main screen for recording patient enrolment details through Kiosk.

Kiosk Page

Sub-screen opened from Main Kiosk.