This section includes all the details about adding, managing and reporting on Referrals:
- Add a Referral Within Client Details
- Add a Referral When Adding a New Client
- Manage Current Referrals
- What Happens When a Session Limited Referral Expires
- Manage Appointments Attached to a Session Limited Referral
- What Happens When a Duration Limited Referral Expires
- Use the Referral Report
- Referrer Revenue Report
- Add a New Referrer.
There are some special referral fields. They trigger special events to occur within Bp Allied.
Current Referral- this indicates the current referral(s) for a Client. Clients can have multiple referrals from multiple referrers, so the Current Referral field distinguishes the current one(s). This is the referral that is by default attached to an appointment. See details in Adding a Referral within Client Details for how to manage multiple current referrals.
Duration (Months) - the duration in months of the referral. Triggers the creation of the Referral Expiry date, when the first appointment is attached to the referral. Displays a warning message 30 days from the expiry date when adding an appointment within this time frame.
Duration (No of Visits) - Entering in the number of visits for a referral allows Bp Allied to manage the number of appointments created for that client and referral. This assumes that the referral is the Current Referral and is attached to all relevant appointments for the Client. When the number of visits available reaches zero, an appointment can't be booked using this referral.
Qty Remaining - this is calculated from the Duration (no of Visits) less the Qty Used. This is shown within the appointment when booking.
Qty Used - this is the number of Appointments created using this Referral. This can be shown on screen in the Appointment Book.
Referral Indefinite – indicates if a referral is indefinite. Disables the two Duration fields from being used.
Referral First Appointment Date – displays the date of the first appointment attached to a referral. Must be after the referral date.
Referral Expiry Date – calculates for a Duration (months) referral once the first appointment has been selected. When creating an appointment, a warning will display if it is within 30 days of the expiry date.
Watch the video V7 Referral Updates. This masterclass tutorial explains how to use the new referral functionality in the V7 release of Bp Allied, including indefinite referrals, managing the expiry of duration based referrals as well as using the allow multiple current referral option. Also included is the Client Management report and other tips for managing multiple current referrals.