Normally on the front desk? These articles will get you started with Bp Premier.
Methods you can use to find patients when using the Patient list (F10) or Open patient (F2), when creating or finding an appointment, creating patient accounts and viewing patient billing history.
Book an appointment for a new or existing patient, edit a current appointment, or view a patient's appointment history.
Find, move, or cancel an appointment
Search for past or future appointments, move or cancel an appointment, and view an audit trail of users who have updated an appointment.
Check a patient's Medicare details when they arrive and indicate in the appointment book that the patient is ready to see the provider.
Medicare card reader shortcuts
How to use your practice's Medicare card reader device as a shortcut to load patient details in the patient record, appointment book, and waiting room.
Lists the keyboard shortcuts available from the main screen, appointment book, waiting room, and patient record.
End to end walkthrough for direct bill batches, including batching, check for payments, service correction and claim resubmission, and troubleshooting.
Online Claiming: Patient claiming
End to end walkthrough for online patient claiming, including billing, service correction and claim resubmission, and troubleshooting.
Online Claiming: Medicare EasyClaim and Tyro
End to end walkthrough for Tyro EasyClaims, including billing, check for payments, service correction and claim resubmission, and troubleshooting.
The Bp Premier 'samples' database is installed with Bp Premier and contains a sample dataset for training or familiarity purposes. Changes to the samples database do not affect the live database.