Credit or write off a debt

If the practice considers a debt is unrecoverable, Bp offers two ways to cancel the debt:

  • You can credit the debt to reduce the account. Crediting a debt does not record the amount as a bad debt. For example, say an account has $10 owing from a patient. The practice manager may choose to credit the outstanding amount to cancel out the debt.
  • You can write off the debt if the patient is unable or unwilling to pay off an outstanding amount, or an organisation will not pay a full or partial redirected amount. The amount will be recorded as a bad debt.

Credit or write off from the Transactions screen

  1. Select the invoice owing in the Transaction screen you want to credit. Click the Credit button along the bottom. The Credit screen will appear.
  2. Select whether to mark the correction as a Credit or Writeoff.
  3. Enter a Reason for the correction and click OK. The correction will be recorded in the Transaction screen as a 'Manual Credit' or 'Writeoff'.

A credit or write-off can be deleted.


Last modified: July 2020