Pay an invoice

  1. To open the Payment screen, do one of:
    • Load the patient into the Information Bar and select PatientPayment or press F6.
    • Click Pay from the Consultation (F5) screen.
    • Click the coin Payments icon on the Bp toolbar.
  2. Select the invoice to be paid from the list at the bottom of the screen. If that patient is paying for more than one invoice, select all that apply and press the spacebar or click Tag to tag the invoices. The list at the top left of the screen will tally the invoices and show totals.
  3. If the patient is paying by cheque, record the Reference # and Payor and set the Type to 'Cheque'. Record a Payor if the cheque payer is a person other than the patient.
  4. NOTE Do not use the cheque number by itself as the Reference #; the reference number for a payment must be unique in Bp Instead, preface the cheque number with the bank's initials, for example 'ANZ00112233', or another way of making sure the reference is unique.

  5. Otherwise, select the payment Type and enter the amount into the Acct Credit field.
  6. If payment is being split over several payment types, for example $100.00 on credit card and the remainder in cash, record a second or third payment using the other payment rows.
  7. Click Print if you need to print receipt of the payment. If the invoice is being emailed, click Email to open an email window with the invoice as an attachment.
  8. Otherwise, click OK to process payment. The patient's Information Bar will be updated with the correct debit owing. If you opened the screen from the Appointment Book, the red coin will turn to yellow to indicate the consult has been paid or part-paid.


Last modified: July 2020